Friday, April 12, 2013

Rigorous State

I'm such a girl for the living room.  I really like to stay in my nest and not move.  I travel in my mind, and that that's a rigorous state of journeying for me.  My body isn't that interested in moving from place to place.

Bell Hooks

Maintaining a positive outlook and creating a clear visual of our desires is vital in seeing our dreams come true.    With energy to better our life, and to master challenges we move through life with a healthy balance.  Life will not pass us by if we are awake, alert, and flexible to change.

Timing is never our own, so we must be open to the flow of life and trust in the higher powers.

We will avoid drama by not resisting change.  Change is not necessarily comfortable, but this does not make it bad or wrong.  We cannot achieve our dreams by standing still avoiding opportunities or small steps that will lead us closer to our desires.

If we create a vision or picture of how we will look, feel, and act when we bring happiness into our lives, it will be of great support throughout our day.  When we keep this image of our self close by, rather than thinking negative thoughts, we can flash our picture in our mind.  Picturing every detail helps the mind to re-frame non-stop  self-criticism.  We begin to automatically focus on a positive images minimizing self-sabotage.

After awhile, our vision of happiness becomes part of our day.  Our outlook is brighter, we walk with a bounce in our step, and we find ourselves anticipating good to happen rather than defeat.  We begin to feel better about ourselves, family, friends, and the future.

We begin living our dream in an emotional state, attracting parts of our dream from the physical.  We notice opportunities, create unexpected openings, and move forward towards our goals. There will be times of sadness or pain, but simply put, that is part of life and there is no avoiding it all together. 

Our attitude and determination will carry us through difficult times.  It is in these difficult times we are shaped and formed into better human beings.  We gather compassion and empathy for our selves and for others.  Carrying our vision with us all of the time, we will not be easily deterred.  As we stay engaged with our surroundings, we feel a part of and not separate from others. 

The next time we find our self settling into our nest, get creative and begin to visualize. Imagine 
how we will look wearing confidence, laughter, and a happy-go-lucky smile! Freeze frame that shot and review it throughout the day.

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