Sunday, April 14, 2013


Walking away from lifetimes of falsely constructed, deeply wounded, and victimized ego identification and fully embodying the expansive expression of your authentic, unlimited, multidimensional Holy Self is a courageous, step-by-step process.

Sonia Choquette
The Power of Your Spirit

Courage is necessary in many of our daily actions.  It takes courage to drive for the first time or take a city bus for the first time or be a mother for the first time or be alone for the first time.  For some, it takes courage to get up in the morning while for others it is needed to finally return home.  Courage is needed for little things as well as big things.

The little things are sometimes easier to pass over than the well planned long term goal.  Opportunities come to us in all sizes, and they are all experiential.  We do not always notice how a string of small opportunities can direct our life more easily than waiting for our one big break.

As we develop courage when facing the small things, we also learn to be calm and connected.  Step-by-step, we acquire necessary components that will be most helpful when trying to attain a larger opportunity.  We will have layers of experience, grounding us in our confidence and courage.

When we take notice of small opportunities to be kind or gentle, we can be strengthening the connection between our selves and Spirit.  We are more apt to recognize our 'gut' instincts of whether or not to follow an opportunity.  There are multiple choices, and maybe not good ones, but choices nevertheless.  We have free will and with courage we can decide with Spirit as our guide.


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