Wednesday, April 24, 2013

The Other Side of Nothingness

"I spent my life learning to feel less.
Every day I felt less.
Is that growing old? Or is it something worse?
You cannot protect yourself from sadness without protecting yourself from happiness.”

Jonathan Safran Foer

To grow up minimizing the self and taking up as little space as possible, yet being gregarious to receive validation of any sort, is much  like a weed pushing up through a crack in the sidewalk.  The wild weed seeks everything at great risk with out anything but the sun coaxing it out of the darkness.  Without faith, hope, and trust, it is doubtful the weed will succeed.

To push out of the darkness one feels way too vulnerable standing before the sun.  So we seek shade for protection like Eve hiding from the garden sun.  How odd we are birthed into the light and yet we seek to disguise our nakedness.  We strive for the light and yet we fear to be exposed.

What price must we pay for authenticity, to completely unfold?  Obstacles and damage cause us to bend and sway, but curiosity beckons us further down the way.  We seemingly arrive strong and bold, ready to welcome what we desire to hold.  The space is endless and the silence deafening, and still we appear  alone.

The weed struggles out of the darkness and into the light only to discover there lies something still beyond the light.  So search again we must while we stretch and grow a little more.   With faith, hope, and trust, surely we will eventually pass through all illusion,  exploring the other side of nothingness. 

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