Friday, August 10, 2012

You Do Have To Begin!

"It's impossible" said pride.
"It's risky" said experience.
"It's pointless" said reason.
"Give it a try" whispered the heart!


We invest time and money into education, careers, homes, cars,
children and families, but how much do we invest in our own personal enhancement?  We race to meet the needs of others and yet stumble on our own road towards self-worth.

It's impossible:  I don't have time; the family have to come first; my schedule doesn't allow space; I don't know where to go; I don't know how to do it.

It's Risky:  I might fail; I am embarrassed in front of others; someone might find out; it might change me.

It's Pointless:  I have been this way for so long;  It is too late to begin; I have tried before and cannot do it;  No one will understand;  My family will just make fun of me!

Give it a try:  If this were for a loved one, you would make the time;  Pinpoint your heart's desire and let 'google' do the rest; Allow your self to be a beginner again; If it doesn't work out, you can explore another option; Don't let what others think be more important than what you think;  Change can be enormously positive;  It is never too late to change;  Keep your choice a private adventure until you feel comfortable with disclosure.

Anytime is a perfect time to begin.  How much money do you have to have before you invest in your self?  You are worthy of enhancing even the smallest part of your life.  You don't have to be a professional musician to take lessons.  You don't have to be a ballerina to take ballet or even tap dance.  You don't have to be an established artist to take a class.  You don't have to be a florist to arrange flowers.  You don't have to be published in order to write.  You don't have to be an Olympian to swim.  You don't have to be a yogi to learn yoga. 

But you do have to begin!

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