Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Light as an Engery

Thousands of candles can be lighted from a single candle,
and the life of the candle will not be shortened.
Happiness never decreases by being shared.


Light is an energy that just keeps on giving.  The more this energy or light is given to others, the more we personally receive.  If we do not understand light as an energy, think of it as love.  We extend love to others and it returns to us in greater depths.

Light is a positive energy giving a vibration that allows us to feel good.  When we receive light, love or energy, it is like a deep hug.  Darkness or anger is a harsh or abrasive energy that gives us the need to turn away.

A simple example would be when we are in a grocery store and we see a small child, so sweet and innocent.  Our eyes may linger on the child extending love.  The mother may be totally unaware of our presence, but the child feels our extended love or light or energy and locks his or her eyes on our face.  The child may be shy or smile or turn and watch you walk away, knowing there has been a brief exchange of love, light or energy.  The same is true with pets or animals.  They sense if we are welcoming them with love or casting displeasure their way.  They react to whatever energy we extend.

We as human beings respond to love, light or energy every day.  If we are pleasant with an obviously stressed out person, it offers them a moment to pause and reconnect.  If we choose to be angry at the stressed person, the harsh energy builds not being healthy for either one of you or those surrounding you.

Begin each day aware of the light, love or energy residing in our heart.  Carry this energy as a beacon of light for others to experience kindness, acceptance or perhaps even courage to move forward with just our smile and good intentions.  We may never see this person again, but whatever goodness we extend, returns to us ten fold.  It will come in unsuspecting ways and more than likely from other people who are simply extending their own love, light or energy. 

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