Saturday, August 4, 2012

Where We Go

You are today where your thoughts
have brought you;
you will be tomorrow
where your thoughts
take you.

~James Allen

Before my eyes opened this morning, the ending of a dream floated through my mind.  It had been a dream about my granddaughter whom I dearly miss.  Upon fully awakening, the absence of my granddaughter in my life had been greatly heightened by her presence in my dream.

As I brewed a pot of coffee and opened my journal, I knew in my heart that there were choices before me.  I could get stuck in my emotion of loss or I could acknowledge it and move on. 

As I began to journal, my mind was flooded with memories of when my granddaugher was little and we would cook breakfast together, dance through the bubbles of my bubble machine or take on creative projects with craft paper, glitter and tons of glue.

These memories were not making me feel better at all.  I realized that I needed to save them for a good day and to stop feeding into my emotion of loss.  I then began making lists in my journal of things that made me happy or strengthened my sense of family. 

I browsed through my journal until I came to a page where I had once made a list of things to do when I felt lonely or sad.  The pre-made list offered numerous ideas of what would escort me back into a good place ... go for a walk in nature, get lost in a book store, call a friend, make plans for an outing, get a massage, exchange energy work with a friend, bake something for my neighbor or shop 'til I drop.  I felt my attitude beginning to shift.

We have choices in each and every moment.  Do I want to feel good or do I want to feel sad?  What sense of goodness will balance the bad that I am feeling?  What action can I take that will shift my perspective? 

We are not powerless and we do have options.  The first step of action will escort us out of the heavy emotion.  With each following step, we draw ourselves closer and closer to wellness.
Where we go is where our thoughts lead us!     


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