Saturday, August 11, 2012

Live Your LIfe

A woman has to live her life,
or live to repent not having lived it.

D. H. Lawrence
Lady Chatterley's Lover

As a young mother, I was involved in many activities.  I was active in community, church, and social organizations.  As my children grew in number and demands, I realized that I must excuse my self from holding positions or offices in my activities.  I felt good about this decision as I knew one day would come when the children would all be grown and I would once again have time for my endeavors.

As young women, we need to stay in touch with at least one area of interest and then expand that interest or introduce new avenues of expression when the time allows.  Women need to have areas of personal interest to look forward to after  commitments to family and or career lessen.  

As women accumulate years, we begin to rekindle interests or develop new.   If we find our selves thinking, "I always wanted to ... travel ... paint ... study ... visit ... ."  Then do it!  What's holding you back?  Explore and be adventurous.  If there is a will there is a way.  This is your life and it is up to you to live it to the fullest! 

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