Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Don't Compromise

Don't compromise yourself.
You are all you've got.

Janis Joplin


It is unfortunate in our early years that our uniqueness is seldom highlighted and often times squelched.  Our parents want us to 'fit in' and we are desperate to be accepted by others. We are so young and we begin to abbreviate or delete very valuable parts of our self. 

We silence our voices, repress emotions, and restrict our selves from being fully comfortable in our own skin.  We sacrifice our personal needs, dreams, and desires to be secure in a group no matter how distorted our original self becomes.

When we have 'sold our soul' for the attention of others, we are no longer feeding our potential and we are starving our inner longings.  When we are starving our selves in this manner, we begin to 'stuff' our selves with food, alcohol, drugs, exercise or other compulsive behaviors.  Ultimately, we wander farther and farther away from who we truly are.

Awareness presents itself differently for each of us, but there is usually an echo of a whisper haunting us ... who am I?  In our own time, we eventually begin the long trek back to our authenticity.  Layer after layer of masks come off in the process of self-discovery.  We find our voice once again, and we reconnect with our heartfelt feelings, no longer numb or invisible in life.  We can recapture our dreams and use our gifts and talents to create a satisfying and original life.

Whatever you do, do not compromise your beautiful authentic self ... the price you will pay is just too high!

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