Sunday, August 12, 2012

Target Practice for Kids At The Fair?

We have to choose between
what is right,
and what is easy.

J. K. Rowling

Friday was a perfect day for the fair.  It was overcast and at long last the temperatures were in the 70's.  We visited several of the buildings and checked out the Ethnic Village in anticipation of lunch.  We ran into various friends and ate our way from one end to the other. 

It was during my wandering through the Exposition Building that brought me upon an eye popping sight.  In the back of the building, there was a corner for target practice.  There was a sign that said "NO LIVE AMMUNITION" but the noise of the gun going off startled me. 

There was a little boy, maybe seven years old, firing a gun at the standard outline image of a man.  Seeing this child with a gun in his hand, joyfully aiming and shooting at the target of a man, was bone chilling.  His mother stood near him watching.

Who would promote such a terrible exhibition?  Who would allow such a thing? (This was for children)  Will parents really allow their children to fire a gun, live ammunition or not, experiencing the deadly power of a gun?  This is not about gun legislation, it is about the safety of our children and the trauma or distortion that can accompany the experience of firing a gun.

I worry about our young people as they are exposed to so much violence in our society and news coverage of brutality in other countries, to say nothing of the violence in the video games so many play.  The consequences, I believe, are being displayed across the country.

We spent the after noon watching the races at the grandstand.  As a dedicated 'people watcher' I observed families come and go, wondering if they had been to the Exhibition Building and if these parents were as appalled as I had been. 

Innocent little faces sticky from cotton candy, corn dogs clutched in dirty little hands, and requests of riding just one more ride are the images I want to maintain.  I truly hope that parents will stand strong for what is right and not cave in to the easy inappropriate answer.

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