Friday, August 3, 2012

The Pull of the Full Moon

Full Moon night is one of the best times for meditation.  Energy of Moon has a lot of influence on earth.  It affects the sea and creates low and high tides in it.  Our body also carries a lot of water and it is also influenced by the Moon energy.

Gautam The Buddha

The moon has been a powerful force in nature from the beginning of time, impacting all cultures.  The full moon has dominated the writings of man in legends, poetry,  children's tales and in the lyrics of song.  It plays a powerful role in our lives, but we frequently forget to take the time to look up and honor its trek across the sky.

The last few nights, sleep has eluded me.  My energies have been stirred up and I notice a different rhythm within me.  Perhaps my emotions have been triggered as well.  Watching the weather forecast, there was mention of the full moon.  "Ah," I said to myself, "that explains it!" 

While working in social services, there would be times that resources for families would unexpectedly fall by the way side or children would uncharacteristically act out.  Eventually in exasperation, one of the workers would ask, "Is there a full moon?"  Yes, amazingly there would be a full moon.

Resources inform me when there is a full moon, meditation or contemplation or prayer can become deeper and richer.  So if I am unable to sleep, I can perhaps use this strange full moon energy for strengthening my connection with all I hold to be holy.

So if we are feeling particularly anxious or our well made plans are disrupting, look up to the sky and take in the beauty of the moon.  As we gaze upon it, we will surely feel the pull of the full moon and the energy radiating from it.


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