Monday, August 6, 2012

The Listeners

Most people do not listen
with the intent to understand;
they listen with the intent to reply.

Stephen R. Covey
The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People

Before all parts of ourselves are integrated, we have unknown aspects of our personality that will surface, expressing thoughts that surprise not only the listener, but ourselves as well.  During a conversation, we may hear ourselves say something and then instantly think, "I didn't know I felt that way!" 

When we are not fully integrated, we remain ego driven.  We do not feel the strong connection with the world and others, and therefore focus on the needs of our own.  In conversation, we may not be seriously listening as we are planning what we will next reply.

Listening is really an opportunity to learn or understand information on a deeper level or to become informed about something entirely new.  It can be an intimate pause to deepen a relationship or receive a concept that can change the direction of our lives.

Too often we hear ourselves supplying answers that run contrary to how we truly feel.  We may find ourselves being disingenuous or realize we have not heard the disclosure at all.  We may be thinking of our response or closing our minds to new information, and we have gained nothing from the exchange.  Listening can escalate into a heated discussion or a competition.

When we are integrated with our body, mind and spirit, we feel connected to all peoples and all things.  We are one and all deserve respect.  We honor the authenticity of each human being and understand  Spirit speaks through all of us, so we must listen openly.  We may agree to disagree, but we have an obligation to listen. 

More times than not, fellow human beings need to voice their opinion whether we the listener accept it or not.  We have a deep need to express ourselves.  As listeners, we do not have to have remedies or answers.  It is more important to have an open heart and focused eye contact.

When we are comfortable with our own beliefs, we are less challenged in hearing the beliefs of others.  We are all entitled to speak our truths in a space of integrity.  It is truly a gift to others when we develop the art of listening!

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