Sunday, August 19, 2012

Heart of the Matter

where to start
not knowing how to start,
she sat down and opened her heart.
maybe that's all she needed to do,
over and over again.

Bone Sigh Arts

Could transitions really be that easy, to just sit down and open our heart?  Would just this one gesture ground us into the heart of the matter?  By being still and opening our heart, can balance and resolution just appear?

There seems to be some merit in this approach.  Our ego usually resides in our head, so making decisions through our heart might be a more honest and spiritually guided process.   After all, many of us have learned to 'trust our gut' and have been quite pleased in doing so!  It is said 'gut decisions' have not had time to reach our head where ego selfishly talks us out of the idea.

So when we are faced with decisions, big and small, we can choose to take pause and think with our hearts.  What is best for me?  What is best for them?  What is best for the overall situation?  Our hearts are filled with love and compassion which will assist in our decision making.  In our hearts, there is no room for hatred or judgment.  Spirit dwells within our hearts and surely will not lead us astray.

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