Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Bend, Don't Break

"I bend so I don't break."
Yoga Nut

In the world today, we are bombarded by opinions and resources, many of which are diverse to our personal viewpoint. It is important to not shut ourselves off from information, but to be selective of exposure. We will live a balanced life when we are flexible rather than using avoidance or isolation as a resolve.

The key is to sit and listen to what is being said. Relax the mind and let the words flow. Whatever is being shared does not have to impact our own life. Sift through the information, choosing what is beneficial and release the rest. If we are especially triggered, we may want to explore the origin of  reaction.

We may be faced with plans gone awry based on trauma whether physical, emotional or spiritual. When we can readjust our thinking and be open to improvement or change, we are less likely to break. We may need to pull back or zero in to discover pertinent actions. Determine what is needed and how best to achieve it.


Monday, October 14, 2024

Show Your Soul!

"One of the most calming and powerful actions 
you can do to intervene in a stormy world is
to stand up and show your soul!"
Clarissa Pinkola Estes

We waste our energy struggling to right the world on our own. Fear triggers a sense of overwhelm, and we forget the power residing within us. Right in this moment, what can we do to generate positive energy? Can we create a sense of calm that can be brought out into the world around us?

Open the windows and hear the birds singing songs to remind us there is order in the midst of confusion. When running water from the faucet, let it spill over our hands, reminding us of oceans and waterfalls. Play gentle music as it is a language to our soul, calming, restoring, and healing our woes.

When the soul is fed through nurturing actions, our energy is heightened and our presence is felt by those surrounding us. As we generate goodness, it leaks through our physical body and touches everything surrounding us. As we stand with kindness streaming from our eyes, heart, and soul, we give hope to others, making a difference after all!

Sunday, October 13, 2024

Messages In Silence

"Prayer is talking to the Universe.
Meditation is listening to it."
Tao and Zen

It is often difficult to put our thoughts into words. Taking time is necessary to filter through our mindless inner chatter and uncover our core emotions. Honesty in search of unbiased clarity can unearth questions without answers. Then we turn to the Divine or the Universe asking for direction.

Unfortunately, we do not listen for the answers when they do not immediately appear. We may miss incoming wisdom if we are wanting resolution to be equated to our already formed opinion. Our perception of response may be too limited, disallowing answers to take shape of diverse people, places and things.

Rather than be short sighted, we must gather information that can be applied to not only the present moment, but also to extended time. As we step back, perhaps then we can see the bigger picture, giving reason to layers of application that now seem irrelevant. It is when we sit quietly and pay attention to various messengers that we can prosper.


Saturday, October 12, 2024

Visionary Bubble


"When you look for the bad, expecting it, you will get it.
When you know you will find the good ...
you will get that!'
Eleanor H. Porter, Pollyanna

As a child, my longing to be seen as good created a visionary bubble within me where I held others at their spiritual level. I tuned out their human faults, and kept my eyes on their light inside, no matter how great or small. Yes, I would get disillusioned when faults became apparent, but I longed to love them even more.

One could say my vision was impaired by viewing others at a spiritual level, but throughout life I continued to do so. I loved, and I loved hard, determined that others would feel connection as deep as my need for belonging. I would not judge, believing they would find their way to higher ground.

Humans are now challenging my sense of sanctity. I am pulling my energy inside. No longer do I wish to hear harsh judgments nor view world-weariness. Inwardly, in my visionary bubble I can hold light for others without physical exchange.  It is my belief that 'old souls' and visiting angels will persevere and stay the course while others slowly awaken. 

Friday, October 11, 2024

Angels Guiding Advice

"When we open our hearts, angels appear in the form of guiding
voices, helping us to find our way in the darkness of life."
Paulo Coelho

Overwhelmed by chaos in thought, words, and deeds, I find it necessary to step back in silence awaiting the guidance of angels. Just as storms race across the south creating death and havoc, the same can be said of penetrating public words. Collective energy is swirling, making it next to impossible to stand upon safe ground.

My heart hurts as words are speared into the sanctity of others. Where is the integrity, and respect intentioned to all peoples? When did freedom of speech turn into thrusts of violence and hatred? Blatant dysfunctional patterns of behavior are being displayed rather than the much needed acts of kindness.

I am stepping back from those who are relentless in causing division rather than embracing deeper connection. My arms are weary of holding space for those who deliberately choose to defile it. I will sit back, waiting for the angels to whisper to me of peace, promising me that this fear will subside. 

Thursday, October 10, 2024

No Longer Sure Footed

"The truth is that our finest moments are most likely to occur
when we are feeling deeply uncomfortable, unhappy or unfulfilled."
M. Scott Peck

Life becomes an adventure when we recognize symbolic signs as they magically appear. Whether it is a word that consistently pops up or a recurring action, when we take heed, our curiosity kicks in. When guided off charted ground, we feel uncomfortable and vulnerable, but these are not reasons to stop.

Following our inner compass, we are lead to take reasonable risks, and sink deeply into wisdom, allowing doubt and speculation. Although we may not be sure footed, we wander rough terrain developing a true sense of who we are and whom we want to be. We form meaningful language for new communication.

Discovery is rarely a smooth paved road. There are rocks and boulders and perhaps a bit of swimming up stream. It may be tiresome and disorienting, but aligning with intuition, moving forward reaps rewards. Our outward journey is mirrored internally, developing a heightened sense of who we truly are meant to be. 


Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Feeling Shadows

"Never let negative thoughts over power you,
because they lead to nothing. Embrace positive thinking,
as it is the key that can take you to the heights of success."
Life Changing Quotes

Lift your eyes up towards the sun and notice the birds soaring in the sky. They fly into high winds, adjusting their wings as they go.  We must do the same. Every thing we are facing requires adaptation. Just as we watch the sun set while trusting it will rise again in the morn, we must believe in the successful elevation of self.

Darkness hovers everywhere, but as we nurture our internal light, illumination out shines the darkness. We can feel shadows pushing against us, but this is no reason to forget we have choices to positively impact outcome. When we hold ourselves accountable, we no longer suffer in the role of victim.

Life 'happens' to trigger our strengths and utilize lessons learned. We are not doomed, unless we simply give in to overwhelm. Revisit options and imagine various scenarios as to how we want our life to be. Don't wait for immaculate intervention. Follow the sun beams, watch the light slip into darkness, and then feel the joy as it rises in the morn.

Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Existence and Co-Existence


"By living intentionally and with consideration for all life,
you and I can make a better world."
Christine Easwaran

The gospels refer to the word agape which calls for a profound respect for other's values, transcendence of self-interest, and extending kindness in surrounding spaces. It is about being secure enough in your own existence that you can enjoy the belief systems of all peoples without judgment.

We have invested time in enhancing our personal lives, and there is a need to appreciate the diverse journeys taken by others. We are not all here for cookie cutter lives. Each of us has a unique ability to bring into existence, and in co-existence with others. When we can honor both ourselves as well as others, we deepen our human experience and that of others.

If we can hold space for others and silently observe, the realization of how we all struggle to untangle our driving emotional forces becomes apparent. There is a vast amount of information that remains hidden in all of us and life is a process of discovery. So let's provide kindness to all people, as they are very much like us.

Monday, October 7, 2024

Fostering Hope

"Hope is like the sun, which, as we journey
toward it, casts the shadow of our burden behind us."
Samuel Smiles

In spite of our circumstances, we do better if we have something to look forward to. It can be anything from a silent hour on our porch to a lengthy stay at a favorite destination. Slowing down to notice a new growth on our plant or the frantic activities of a squirrel in the yard, generates a sense of peace.

Life is laced with hope.  Hope that we will make a difference, maintain health, or embrace love. When hope is kept alive, we are able to endure the heaviness of our day. No matter what we face, endurance is strengthened by believing positive shifts will be made. We all need something to aspire towards. 

A friend shared with me her routine of standing at the sink and allowing warm water to wash over her hands. She welcomes this cleansing and enjoys the sensation of each falling drop. It is symbolic for her, imagining that new beginnings foster hope. Without hope, we begin to wither away.

Sunday, October 6, 2024

Lesson In Discomfort


"Create with the heart; build with the mind."
Criss Jami

When powerful winds blow against us, we can either stand still while being broken or be flexible while bending. When we race full force ahead, nuances suggesting alternate courses can be overlooked. If our thinking is rigid with concrete expectations, we may miss out on directives from the Divine.

Transitioning is a process and unless our minds are open, we may become stagnant. There needs to be a balance between push and patience. Don't stop, but don't rush. By being open to possibilities, energy continues to resurface propelling us into new territories. Creating this rhythm lessens resistance and fosters clarity.

By being neutral when inventorying the self, there is less judgment. If something is uncomfortable, then explore why that is and learn to understand it. Often, we gain more through our discomfort as it leads to new insights and passageways. Place less energy in the outcome and more into what is a learning experience right before us.

Saturday, October 5, 2024

Breaking Silence

"It took me quite a long time to develop a voice, 
and now that I have it, I am not going to be silent."
Madeleine Albright

A sense of empowerment is experienced when we speak up using our voice. It doesn't matter if we are uncertain or open ended, it is healthy to share our feelings, opinions, and observations with selected friends. We speak our truth as we know it in the moment, open to shifts in our understanding or strengthening what we believe.

Often when words are shared out loud, we hear ourselves in differing ways. We may be surprised by what we have said or realize we no longer feel that particular way. Shared words can reduce our fears and lift our awareness.  In so doing, we may be nudged to further our beliefs by adding new resources.

Whether physically, mentally or spiritually researching, new space needs to be created in order to make additions. This is the act of transitioning. With clarity, we become aware of what no longer supports us. Then we begin a search for new additions to shape our character. These will be met with clarity created by fresh leeways. 

Friday, October 4, 2024

Utilizing Power

"You are not what you've done.
You are what you keep doing."
Jack Butcher

Recently at a reunion, I listened to the personal achievements of those attending. Who interested me the most were individuals that broke from conformity, and applied personal strengths to reach fulfillment. Stepping down from family or peer pressure, they dared to be led into the unknown for purposeful discovery. 

Some achievements etched into life were similar, but the happiest attendees were those who had empowered themselves by using creative measures based upon skill. Often times, this meant switching jobs and veering off into the unknown. In hindsight, they could see how each move had been a layer in preparation for reward.

At one time, the most desired outcome was monetary gain which of course everyone desires. But at what cost? Do you sell your soul? Entrepreneurs share that fulfillment comes from introducing unique ways to uplift others balanced by supplements to maintain a healthy and supportive lifestyle. Productive achievements is a gain in itself.

Thursday, October 3, 2024

Through The Heart ...

"The world exists as we perceive it.
It's not what you see, it's how you see it."
Kevin C. Harmony

 There was an article I read a year or so ago, talking about contact with others. It suggested small greetings or holding a door open, or assisting in a situation to generate kindness. I decided to take it to a higher level and customize my exchanges to truly make a difference, especially when I was not feeling comfortable in our world.

Wherever I went, I would say to the clerk, "Thank you for working today!" I watched faces and noticed how caught off guard they were resulting in a shift of emotions. I felt I had made a difference and I felt kinder for it. In certain situations where time allowed, brief exchanges expanded into fun conversations brightening my day.

When our hearts are heavy and vision distorted,  look outside of ourselves through the heart. Reaching out to others without expectations, lifts our moods and allows for feelings of connection. Disregarding the heaviness of life, we can extend our light to others and fortunately, it reflects back onto us. 

Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Creating Ritual

"Rituals are not fixed ... they are constructed and
reconstructed over time, to fit people's needs."
Gleb Tsipursky

In the spontaneous spirit of women's spirituality, ritual is born. With respect to all that is holy, we craft practices that bring cleansing, comfort, and connection. Whether gazing into a candle's flame or following nature's path, communication lifts our souls and strengthens our sense of hope and freedom.

Creating a ritual involves setting an intention whether it be for peace, healing or discovery. There is a welcome extended to the Divine or spiritual guide establishing a space where we feel safe. Music of any tone can be added as well as dance. There is freedom in creating components that feel holy to ourselves.s

Establishing a private space to pray, worship or seek wisdom, provides us with a sense of belonging and available connection. Determining a special time using various tools or choosing quiet moments in still scenarios, helps to establish  a practice with a ritual nurturing our human form as well as our soul.

Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Hoarding Trauma

"Any refusal to recognize reality for any reason whatever,
has disastrous consequences."
Ayn Rand 

The experience of trauma gets in the way of being able to talk about distressed feelings. Our rational brain is unable to convince our emotional brain that it is safe to move forward. We may be able to comfortably share the action as it happened to us, but incapable to put the internal experience into words.

No matter how much insight and understanding we receive professionally or through spiritual practices, articulating what is buried deep inside remains festering. There is a tendency to relive devastating assaults without separating them from the present moment. There does not seem to be a past or future, just the unbearable present.

After shock, we may find ourselves moving down the brick road, incapable of observing or appreciating life as it unfolds. The bricks beneath our feet move unsteadily, and any sense of sure footedness dissolves. When we finally reach our breaking point, there is relief and a desire to begin again, leaving sorrow behind.  

Monday, September 30, 2024

Time To Shed and Discard ...

"... the old concepts, ideals, and emotional meanings no longer fit ..."
Joseph Campbell

It is frightening to not know what direction you are going. It hurts to release the things that are comfortable when you don't know what lies ahead. The only thing you know for sure is that you can no longer emotionally or physically stay where there is no meaning. Perhaps you have spent a life time acquiring a role that you no longer want to play.

One morning you wake up and know that you can no longer wear the out grown identity. It is painful to release what you are accustomed to, even when you are ready to shed and depart. How will you ever be able to explain when you do not fully understand this transformation yourself?

Trace back to a time that you began to closely relate to a sacred relationship with the Divine. Do you remember a sense of empowerment that tweaked your vision of how you wanted to live your life? Did it lead to discarding superficial aspects that no longer served? The time is now, for you to once again begin.

Sunday, September 29, 2024

Soul Print

"A soul print is made up of our dreams and destiny
both lived and unlived, conscious and not yet conscious.
Marc Gafni

A soul print contains memories from our earliest earthly experiences and perhaps from lives before. There are wisps of success and slashes of failures. and unresolved reactions to known and unknown tickling. Within are held  yearnings, fears, and images created by our ego and  balanced by our gentle spirit. 

Within a soul print our unique essence is held. It reflects who we are and our desires to be seen by others. It takes courage for us to allow others to see us, as it requires an openness  and vulnerability.  It can be brutal to share our unguarded uniqueness and have it be judged, rejected or ridiculed.

Discovery of a soul print leads to expansion and depth of who we are truly meant to be. It requires numerous excursions into our unspoken and unseen selves and then applications to how these discoveries can be best used for purposeful living. This process develops a relationship with the self heightening a true sense of simply being.

Saturday, September 28, 2024

Unforgotten Scars

"Things you don't remember are the things I'll never forget."
Zandi Holuf

Footprints in the sand are easily washed away by the tide, but imprints on the heart tend to remain for an eternity. Forgiveness seems to be mustered in time, but forgetting isn't quite the same. Whether intentional or accidental, wounds scar us and remind us repeatedly of details never to be erased.  

Defacement, whether physical or emotional, lingers in our psyche. We wonder what we could have possibly done to trigger this and how we could have done things differently. The truth of course is we never had control and certainly did not say or do anything to provoke such lacerations.

The worst part of course is allowing the old lesions to taint new surfaces. We are skeptical and disallow new possibilities based on our past. Those who are in our present deserve the chance to be open and honest without our interrogations. Perhaps we cannot forget, but we can let go and open to new possibilities.


Friday, September 27, 2024

Prohibiting Peace

"Peace is the absence of confusion."
Wu Tang

When we sort through confusion, new understanding generates an element of clarity. As we sift through uncertainty, revealing elements of direction surface. Hesitation allows time to select what is appropriate while moving forward. Learning to choose rather than react is key to  best case scenarios. 

Indecision allows time to evaluate, but when lingering too long, emotions dictate our actions rather than fairly assessing pros and cons. Fear restricts our progress forward and becoming stuck delays any sense of clarity. Confusion is minimized when we choose to center ourselves on a regular basis. 

Aligning the body, mind and spirit, we are in a position to effectively move through any sense of confusion. We are more likely to look at the facts, determine the best approach, and follow up with action. Even if minimal, taking action escalates us through uncertainty where we begin to view possible peace. 


Thursday, September 26, 2024

Instant Gratification

"Start by doing what's necessary. Then do what's 
possible. And suddenly you are doing the impossible."
Francis of Assisi
We live in a time of instant gratification. Whether it is quickly paying a bill on line, using a speedy drive up window or asking SIRI for an overabundance of information, we live in the fast lane. Minor efforts might be used to counter balance the fast pace, but quick fixes are hardly enough.

Whether it is a sudden insight or a long held dream, action must be taken in order to bring it into reality. Unfortunately, we expect perfection upon entering the new endeavor without savoring the process. Creating something may require a peaceful journey not an impulsive shortcut. The deeper we invest, the richer the reward.

If we take our time processing multiple layers of experience, we will build a firm foundation. This will withstand time and support our efforts when we are struggling to master a technique. There is an ebb and flow while expanding our abilities, but when we are consistently dedicated, versions of success come true.

Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Blurring Time

"The distinction between the past, present and future
is only a stubbornly persistent illusion."
Albert Einstein 

Viewing time as an illusion, being in the present is the optimal place to be. If there is no control over the past or future, all else is a waste of our energy. It is important to recognize the string running between our experiences not only in this life, but in past lives as well. Then of course there is the theory of parallel lives to be considered. 

We are made up of energy, so there is great flexibility with boundaries. From a spiritual view, timelessness helps us to understand the presence of spiritual guides or sensations from those who have left human form. It is through an energetic imprint that we can recognize others not in human form.

As the energetic field is recognized, it pulsates with universal laws and cosmic connections. We become aware that we are a part of a greater existence that offers liberal creative interpretation. We encounter other energetic souls stepping outside of oppressive limitations and begin to co-create with the Divine. Life dramatically changes.


Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Variety of Hues

"When people have awakenings and start to wake up
to the wider world, they also begin to notice that 
things in their earthly life change."
Lee Harris

When we are accelerating through life, rather than strolling along our path, we fly by signs of Divine presence. We ask for things expecting a particular outcome, so we miss what is deliberately sent our way. We weigh our spirits down by overthinking and overextending. It is necessary to learn ways of navigating between the physical and spiritual.

It is not enough to learn diverse concepts, we must incorporate them into our life. This is why life is called a tapestry. We weave new perceptions continuously shifting patterns. When we use the same color repeatedly, we feel blah, whereas, using a variety of hues, life becomes exciting. 

Emotional attachments trap us, leaving our personal world lack luster. When we allow exposure to diverse beliefs, and blend the spiritual with our present, life takes on deeper meaning. Exploration replaces struggle, allowing us to move forward without the heaviness of relationships and situations that no longer feed our soul.


Monday, September 23, 2024

Vibe Exchange

"When you are enthusiastic about what you do,
you feel this positive energy. It's very simple."
Paulo Coelho

As an energy worker, I am highly sensitive to the energy of others and that of my surroundings. Sometimes I feel it slamming into me or drawing me into a particular awareness. This could be draining, except I remember that I am simply a vessel to embrace and release these vibrations.  

I truly believe that when I start something, the Universe responds either by opening doors or redirecting me. When I feel off-kilter, I immediately try to recalibrate my energy. I do this by feeling the light of life pouring into and through me. If I have over extended myself, I never hesitate to reach out to others to send me light.

The sun is light energy vibrating down on plants, animals, and human forms. The same is true of the moon as it also extends energy towards our earth. It is through these energetic exchanges that we can feel connected. Energy dissipates loneliness and recharges our passion to fulfill our life purpose.

Sunday, September 22, 2024

Hidden Truth

"Three things cannot be hidden: the sun, the moon, and the truth."

Our hearts might warm as we think of others, such as forever friends or grandchildren. We probably see the whole human, flaws and all.  Deliberately, we minimize faults and  choose to embrace only the good qualities. Why then do we use critical judgment in viewing our own persona and impact in the world?

Assessment is based upon physical presence, mental concepts, and spiritual expectations. There seems to be a wide gap between how we project ourselves outwardly and view the self inwardly. We can embellish images when presenting to others, but negatively  disguise the glaring truths within our reality.

Rather than resisting change, become curious and open as to why we hide, and struggle to ignore the obvious. Not examining what is happening or the countless consequences,  can paralyze our growth rather than becoming a spring board for personal progress. Hiding our fears weaken while exploration strengthens.

Saturday, September 21, 2024

Which Will It Be?

"The unexamined life is not worth living."

During these transformative times, we have choice.  Do we sit back and allow life to happen to us or channel energy into positive progression? So, which will it be? If we do not like what is before us, allow curiosity to guide us on our way. Take advantage of synchronistic opportunities trying to attract our attention.

Life is a learning experience and if we think of people around us as individual library books, we have a wealth of information at our finger tips. It is not as though we need to believe everything we uncover, but to be exposed to differing opinions. If we don't like the way things are get informed, participate, and chart a new course. 

We may not be able to change the world, but we are perfectly capable of changing our experience within it. We cannot sit back and wait for those with greater position or power to alter the nation's course. Granted, there may be very little we can do on a larger scale. but our impact on neighbors, and communities, makes a difference when we use our passion.


Friday, September 20, 2024

Look Both Ways

"I have seen life from the top down and the bottom up.
I know how it looks both ways. And I know there
is wisdom and that there is hope."
L. Ron Hubbard

I had direct interaction with numerous religions prior to expanding my spiritual curiosity. Blessings timely arrived in the form of teachers, mentors, and guides who escorted me into believing in the possibility of connecting with the Divine. Erasing stereotypical images, and restrictive teachings, I was able to open to silent communication.

Through challenging life experiences, my heart continuously was cracked open until I relented to formulating a spiritual way. Spiritual practice did not erase problems, but it did open communication with mentors, guides, and the Divine. I did trip and fall, but moving forward became less lonely with room for wisdom.

Godsends repeatedly entered all realms of my being. Spiritual occurrences were heightened by Reiki training. My senses opened to new ways of living life if I just broadened my vision. I do not always understand, but I can maintain hope for all peoples who struggle in human form. After all, we are here for the lesson and we become the reward.

Thursday, September 19, 2024


"Embracing vulnerability allows us to connect deeply with others."
Deepak Chopra

When we open our lovely selves to others without fearing judgment or ridicule,  we are moved out of our comfort zone. We must allow this feeling of naked exposure, trusting that we will be accepted just as we are. Without a disguise, we are no longer defined by labels, and run the risk of truly being seen.

To receive a true sense of connection, we must tell our stories and listen to the personal accounts being shared. We discover how our paths cross each other and come to understand diverse reactions and to where they lead. Authenticity allows deeper relationships creating a transformative journey.

As we allow the self to open, change and discovery occur. We unpack previously learned behavior and come to understand life using a new language and uncharted feedback. Vulnerability requires strength, but leads us to endless compassion for the self and for others. The braids of connection hold us in unity and love.


Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Opening To Divine Communication

"To walk safely through the maze of human life,
one needs the light of wisdom and the guidance of virtue."

Elements of devotion can be attached to numerous practices whether involving gods, goddesses, or wisdom figures. A connection with a mystic or spiritual guide is usually in pursuit of a closer union with the Divine. A developed devotion offers love, respect, kindness, service and a peaceful heart.

Opening to Divine Intervention on a personal level, we not only include ourselves, but also loved ones, enemies and all beings. We are called to forgive ourselves as well as others. We are challenged to see God in all peoples and treat them accordingly. We are challenged to open hearts to be seen and to see others.

We seek wisdom and guidance strengthening our spirit with the Divine. Whether using a rosary, mezuzah, or prayer, we request the blessing for the highest good of all peoples. Adding music to a practice, hearts open and frequently inspire a personal chant. In this way, we create a spiritual connection with all peoples, places and things. Namaste ...

Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Scan of the Full Moon

"Be the moon and inspire people, 
even when you're far from full."
K. Tolnoe

The energy of the full moon can be quite chaotic. It shakes things up that are undone and far from aligned. It is so bright that we cannot help but see all that is not working. It can beam confidence encouraging us to get up and get going! Perhaps it is shining on different ways of thinking and doing to assist the self and others.

The moon is very symbolic. Even though we see a huge ball of light in the sky, it has a dark side, just like us.  The moon can be fascinating and assist us in finding our way ... physically, emotionally, and spiritually. As in all things, we must take the time to look up and feel the pulsing of the energetic exchange. 

We can choose to embrace the lunar connection by remembering all peoples are looking up to the moon ... varying ages, diverse locations, and our brothers and sisters. We can experience the gift it offers ... soothing and tranquil. It offers us the chance to scan our surroundings in its light feeling a sense of  peace.

Monday, September 16, 2024

Loops and Spirals

"The whole Universe is based on rhythms.
Everything happens in circles, in spirals."
John Hartford

Life can consist of numerous positive and negative loops, allowing us to consistently repeat behaviors. If we experience an overwhelming situation, the anxious feelings can be repeated  in other arenas, creating a destructive pattern. Round and round we go, like the mouse running on a wheel inside of his cage.

The spiral is also a circle, but it is a coil setting us free. When followed inward, we discover a path leading us to deeper understanding about life and personal growth. Maintaining a curious mind, we connect the dots leading to parallel streams. Even when things are heart breaking, we travel deeper inside, gathering pieces of needed understanding.

Traveling within a spiral, we discover deeper levels of intuition that propel us through gradual or sudden change. Sure footed, we move beyond preconceived ideas. Healing rather than repeating, we gather momentum, Vibrational energy pulls the spiral outwards where we utilize our knowledge learned from within.