Saturday, January 11, 2025

Reaching Higher Ground

"We can find common ground only by moving to higher ground."
Jim Wallis

Longing for the world to be walking on a pathway of peace, change must be made. First we need to explore the differences in each person without judgment. Do not hide from those who think differently nor act like they do not exist. If we are confident in the self, there is no fear in stretching to understand others.

We can take advantage of situations where thoughts and opinions can be safely shared. We can become aware of how others love, treasure, and endure. When we recognize existing fears and disappointments, a bond can be shared. Understanding the plight of each other brings us closer to walking a peaceful path.  

If we choose to step out from behind our own defenses, new understanding occurs. Accepting each other, even when disagreeing, we can create a space where all peoples can thrive. Compromise becomes key, but when developed in safety, there is greater chances to agree. Shedding drama and chaos, together we move to higher ground.


Friday, January 10, 2025

When Snow Returns


"For once you have tasted flight you will walk the earth
with your eyes turned skywards, 
for there you have been and there you will long to return."
Leonardo da Vinci

Retrieving our hats, boots, gloves and heavier coats, we move, once again, out into the cold wintery snow. This is quite symbolic, actually. As when present with those who lack warmth, we also begin to layer up. Just like winter outer wear, our actions turn to protection from the icy atmosphere.

When the snow returns, we might alter passageways. We may change the course of conversation or boundaries of a relationship when things turn frosty. When deep in thought, our eyes often shift up towards heaven, as though it held escape from pressing unanswered questions. Prayers silently lift upwards into the sky.
We are a significant part of nature participating in the elements of each season. Winter is a time to go within and that is where discovery lays waiting. It is in the stillness that the hidden appears, silent messages are whispered, and enlightenment occurs.We may even long for escape high up into the skies where some view as an eternal home.

Thursday, January 9, 2025

Ready For Challenges

"If you have a positive attitude and constantly strive to give your 
best effort, eventually you will overcome your immediate 
problems and find you are ready for greater challenge."
Pat Riley

In the face of diversity, we often choose the path of avoidance. There is a childlike concept that if we ignore something or someone long enough, it or they will miraculously go away. Of course we know this as false, but our ego reports differing information. We take away our own power by leaving results up to chance.

It is just as easy to tell ourselves that we cannot manage as it is to chant, " I can and will do this!" When we choose to believe in personal power, our lessons tend to have less drama and direct results. There may not be an immediate turn around, but the lesson can be learned in half of the time.

It helps us to not require all information at the onset. Not everything needs to be secured when we are first faced with a dilemma. When we ask what can be done in the moment to adjust an unfolding, action is effective. After this first step, others tend to become apparent and guide us stealthily to an acceptable if not superior outcome.


Wednesday, January 8, 2025

Power Found Within

"Always be of the light, never the darkness and spread
that light generously everywhere you go."
Gloria Stone

There is a light within all of us. For some, it is hiding in darkness with barely a flicker while others are illuminating others from the inside out. Where shall we place our focus, for that is where we generate either love or fear. Determine just how much darkness we are willing to endure rather than shine upon possibility.

There are choices to be made between love and hate, compassion and anger, and acceptance and criticism. It is imperative that we recognize our constant power found within the choices we make. Whether we choose to remain silent or rant with rage, our unhealthy choices taint our good will towards the self as well as to others.

Our inner light may be a small glitter or a booming flood light. Each of us must recognize it within and strengthen it by allowing it to kindle our goodness. When we feel 'enlightened', our actions are gentle and kind creating transitions in the time of fear. Our light reminds others that there is goodness in our world, especially when we become it.

Tuesday, January 7, 2025

Inclement Predictions

"Snowflakes are one of nature's most fragile things, 
but just look what they can do when they stick together."
Vesta M. Kelly

There is something so peaceful about watching snow gently fall. The flakes look so innocent and humble, just like ourselves when we are first born. Intriguing when we think how each snowflake is unique, like we are individualistic as well. This white fluff can be creatively scooped into varying images, similar to the way we create personas. 

The innocence of snow is temporary as when it is shoveled to the curb, it soaks up black liquid debris. The evening temps drop and the cold hardens this substance, turning it into slippery and icy mess. The morning warmth then melts it into a disgusting slush. Unless, of course, it forms shapes together.

Our hearts, so pure and humble go through similar sequences. Misfortune taints our  innocence and often dismantles life as we have known it. We can shape shift into ice or   melt into a very hot mess. The difference is our ability to prepare for inclement predictions and create appropriate shelters. 


Monday, January 6, 2025

Stacking Stones

"Stone stacking is not just a modern pastime, but a historical practice 
steeped in tradition. Across the  globe, various cultures have utilized stone 
stacking for purposes ranging from spiritual rites to practical navigation."
We Free Spirits 

My memory is filled with unique experiences that occurred in Sedona, Arizona. Each one etched a link between my inner spirit and all that is sacred, leaving me unable to appropriately articulate. The vast magic of this area can be overwhelming. It was the first place I had ever come across the stacking of stones.

Down by the river where the feminine energy thrived, rock formations balanced on thin air. So many stones were mismatched, but perfectly aligned. Some were quite artistic and tall; whereas others were like mine, novice small. It was the ritual of it, the marking of personal presence that joined with unseen sacred souls.

In the following years, while visiting other countries, I would discover artistic stone stackings in isolated locations. These sightings have deepened spiritual perceptions and heightened ritual traditions In silently stacking stones, one experiences an unexplainable  link between here and there with the absence of hesitancy and the presence of bliss.

Sunday, January 5, 2025

Silence of Snow

"Snow provokes responses that reach right back to childhood."
Andy Goldsworthy

What is it about winter's first heavy snow? A flash-back memory urges us to dig out boots and mittens, proceeding to the garage for a sled, and at all cost, ignoring the shovel. It is an astonishing experience to quietly stand in the freshly fallen snow. There is something very virginal about being where no one has yet to tread.

Standing inside, watching the snow come down, the world seems to fall away. There does not seem to be anything more important than gazing outside the window. We no longer hear the television or family chatter. We magically become one with the silence outside and mesmerized by the daintily falling snow. 

Our bodies seem to fall back in time as we capture the sounds of our old friends squealing with joy. Visions of snow ball fights, building a snow man, or making snow angels, float through our thoughts keeping us lodged back in the winter of our memories. Finally turning away, hot chocolate and marshmallows seem perfect for our day.

Saturday, January 4, 2025

Dismantle Walls

"Instead of building walls to create security,
we need to build bridges."
James G. Stavridis  

When frightened and afraid, we instantly build walls to hide behind, whether emotionally or physically. This, of course, is foolish as it shuts us off and isolates. Behind the brick and mortar, there is not expansion of resolution. It simply breeds fear. triggering thoughts of our own worst nightmares.

Instead of erecting barriers, let us venture out together, sharing concerns, expectations, and disappointments. Together, we can build a bridge to understanding which does not necessarily mean acquiescing to others opinions and concepts. The phrase 'to agree to disagree' allows room for continued conversations.

We need fresh concepts, broader fields of knowledge, and deeper listening experiences. If we stroll together with respect and honor, the bridge elevates content illustrating new perceptions. The key is being present for each other, intently listening. Together, reaching the other side of the bridge, peace can be restored.

Friday, January 3, 2025

Expansion of Life Scenarios

"Reading gives us the ability to live multiple lives at once."
Beauty and the Beast

Winter is a perfect time to expand your senses, curiosity, and experiences through reading. If there is a subject matter too personal for open discussion, explore it in privacy on your own. When you overhear a conversation with unfamiliar concepts, educate yourself diving into resources. Visit a library, simply wandering until a subject jumps out at you.

Books have so much to offer. If you are feeling lonely, a favorite fictional author can connect you with a sense of belonging. If you are bored, a non-fiction writer can introduce you to traditions, cultures, and discoveries. When you long for creative expression, there is a plethora of instructional books to get you started or expand your chosen craft.

Wandering the aisles of a book store or the library, a sense of adventure is felt. There is an anticipation for what you may discover. You are offered endless choices prompting personal selection. Reading is an opportunity to learn about the self, others, and the far beyond. Expansion through reading creates and enhances the life you yearn to live.

Thursday, January 2, 2025

Silent Connection

"Open some space, and Spirit will certainly show up."
Harrison Owen

Today is the perfect day to simply show up, holding space for the self, others and the earth. It does not require a donation, reserved seating, nor extended practice. It is a matter of allowing Spirit to fill us with hope, joy, and peace. There are not any certain words we must speak, nor positions to be held. It is a matter of opening the mind.

Direct the ego to go to the corner of the room to sit in a chair. Cover the self in an imaginary veil where no one can contact us through cell, doorbell or mail. Open the heart and bid the Sacred to enter with the warmest of welcomes. Energy will flow into us without requiring any action at all.

For one it may feel like peaceful energy flowing through while one other may experience the sense of wandering in the deepest of woods. Feel the connection that comes, strengthening personal spirit in belief in the good for all. Beckon Spirit to come in and the remainder will unfold. The silent communication assures us that we are not alone.


Wednesday, January 1, 2025

Here Comes The Magic!


"Whatever you do or dream you can do - begin it.
Boldness has a genius and power and magic in it."
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe 

Forget about making lists, cleaning out closets, and designing agendas for other peoples needs.  Today is to be filled with awareness of the kindness you shine upon others, and how to shine this same kindness upon your lovely self. It is about celebrating uniqueness and how to use it for a deeper sense of living. Simple questions can be stimulating.

Questions: 1. How can I better honor my existence? 2. What are ways to better nurture my inner being? 3. In what way can I respect my imperfection? 4. How can I implement higher knowledge? 5. How can I better align the equality between answering with a yes or a no? 6. What visualizations can I create to reflect a collage of creative living? 

Each time prior to responding to the world, reach inside and ask, "Is this true?" This will help to disengage from automatic responses that we have outgrown. The more precise a reply, the clearer we will be seen and supported. We set a positive pace as we respect the self, setting an example of how others need to treat us. Be bold 'cuz here comes the magic! 

Tuesday, December 31, 2024

Cosmic Amplifier

"This year, instead of making a resolution to change 
yourself, make a resolution to love yourself."
Lori Deschene

Tonight is the Black New Moon offering positive and effective energy for transformation whether physical, emotional, and spiritual. With intention, we can use this powerful lunar energy to propel us forward towards abundance and success. Maintaining an awareness of signs and opportunities with follow up action escorts our intentions.

We have spent enough time agonizing over errors or missed synchronicity. Now it is imperative to love and accept personal magnitude. Our focus can intensify and moon energy can heighten awareness, courage, and purpose. Releasing judgment and embracing a new beginning, we  move forward with strong connection.

There are self-imposed barriers preventing us from a higher sense of being. Unearth these self-deprecating limitations. Address fears and maintain courage to step into new beginnings. Daily practice of holding our hearts open and believing in personal goodness, we will make a positive impression upon the life we choose to live.


Monday, December 30, 2024

Sacred Old Soul


"Wisdom comes with winters."
Oscar Wilde

Darkness fell, much too early for my liking. The cold wind was blowing gusts of light fluffy snow.  My gaze fell upon a discarded leaf lodged in a snow drift and I felt it's loneliness. And is this not typical winter ... a time to withdraw, slow down, and dislodge that which is stuck.The need to cover ourselves with comfort, perhaps, draws us inside by a warm fire.

Strong winds rattled the windows and I drew my blanket closer around me. Cradling a hot cup in my hands, my thoughts drifted like the falling snow. Disconnected words streamed through my head and to make sense of them, I made entries into my current favorite journal. The lined pieces of paper were crinkled with bits of wisdom dancing across the page.

I laughed thinking of the stacks of diaries I have filled, never intending them to make a difference to anyone but my lovely self. And isn't this like life? Pouring our heart and soul into existence whether it is seen by anyone else or not. I am responsible for my thoughts and how I choose to arrange them, nurturing my sacred old soul.


Sunday, December 29, 2024

New Sparks

"These are the changing times, these are the ending
cycles, and the are the times of great chaos."
Peggy Black

Throughout the year, we have been confronted by negative change. We have experienced loss and unfortunate endings, triggering fears which result in loss of footing. Although we do not have control over the events in life, we do have choice of response. It takes a strong resolution to separate the self from streaming negativity and engage in new sparks of imagination.

When we hold the self accountable for our own happiness, motivation, and follow-through, personal  power strengthens our abilities. Where we place our focus determines pathways. If we do not like where we are going, then change efforts. Discontinue investing in experiences that divides us from our heartfelt goals. If something isn't working, search for new resolution.

Just in this moment, gently listen to soft inner thoughts. Hold the sacred space of the mind open and feel the nudge of inspiration,  Be reminded of the need to nurture the self with patience, permission to be, and build excitement for what is yet to come. Jump into the positive flow of goodness and believe that all things are possible.


Saturday, December 28, 2024

Feed The Soul


"In the process of letting go, you will lose many things
from the past, but will find yourself."
Deepak Chopra

It is not singularly through death that we lose loved ones. They become lost in various stages of diseases never more recognizing who we are. Then there are those who wander away, either deliberately or aimlessly, never returning to our nest. There comes a time to let go, no matter how the loss occurs.

We waste energy faulting our lovely selves for not having done enough or saying too much or being distant for our own safety. We must face the loss of all control and redirect our awareness to just where we aim to go without particular loved ones. It is through the release while facing reality that sorrow can shift into healthier aspirations. 

No one will ever replace our loved one and honoring his or her presence is healthy. But then, we must move on, creating scenarios and relationships that will support who we are and who we want to become. There will be joy as we come to recognize our heart center and begin to thrive as we consciously feed our soul.

Friday, December 27, 2024

Between Breaths

"Between every breath, there is a silence."
Cathy Larson

We breathe automatically, taking breaths without even thinking about it. During critical times, we notice a shortness of breath or even holding our breath. Our breathing is so automatic, we forget about the silence between each inhale and exhale. Perhaps this is only recognized during meditation or prayer. 

When thinking of silence, there are those who cannot tolerate situations where all is quiet. They will go to extremes avoiding emotions and reality. Others are more mindful about silence and have a dedicated practice of being still. They are more intentional about being present based upon a schedule.

Becoming more aware of the tiny space between our breaths, we can create a healthier pace. Noticing the silence, the body can feel a slight reprieve, the mind can pause and our sense of spirit experiences connection. All of this unfolds in a split second, but when practiced it will become an immediate support to the body, mind, and soul.

Thursday, December 26, 2024

Overcome Silence

"Healing out loud because I nearly died in silence."

The day after Christmas or Hanukkah can be bittersweet. All of the buildup approaching the holiday has crested and either we have been swept away by joy or left lack luster. What matters most is that we speak and seek our needs.  Acknowledging we have been quiet for too long inner determination stirs. 

The New Year approaches so we must design a new game plan.  Whether it is a physical or non-physical goal matters not. The same dedication can be used when providing ourselves with quality resources.  The key is remembering that we are worthy and need to give voice to what will begin to heal our body, mind and spirit.

As we continue to open doors, fresh air brings energy to what has grown still. When we give ourselves permission to articulate and explore, a new sense of living becomes activated. Break the silence and project a desire to rekindle a life that stimulates, teaches, and reveals a life we are longing to live. 


Wednesday, December 25, 2024

The Gift

"What is Christmas? It is the tenderness for the past,
courage for the present, hope for the future."
Agnes M. Pahro

Intentionally, I honor the birth of the Christ Child with reverence and prayer; but admittedly, my religious bond is with an adult Jesus who was ever present. On the other hand, my heart always yearned for Santa. It was never about the gifts, but the magic of the mysterious man who wanted to make children happy. 

And over time, I noticed the impact of both Jesus the Christ and Santa in individual ways.  Although not equivalent to each other, both images were of kind hearted men, embracing all children no matter their origin.  With open hearts, in their own special way, each one convinced me about acceptance and unconditional love.  

We can honor the spirit of both men and women as we move forward into a New Year. Christmas, therefore, can be an active time for healing. We can release old expectations, accept the present, and with courage, step into the future. With a new sense of wholeness, we can be a gift to each other. 

No matter your faith or preferred ritual,  I wish you a very Happy Holiday! 

Tuesday, December 24, 2024

State of Mind

"Christmas is not a date.
It is a state of mind."
Mary Ellen Chase
The individuals who gather around our table, help to create the holiday spirit. Comfort food soothes the belly, but it is the presence of others that embellishes the warmth of the home. It matters not if there are numerous guests or just a few. It is the quality of the exchanges that feeds the soul. Even offered silence can be a blessing to allow personal memories to flow.

The location of a holiday meal is far less important than our state of mind. Whether over eating or indulgent drinking is meant to numb feelings, we will not escape. Overcrowding may distract, but not fill our wounded spaces. We will experience both joy and sadness, but where we place our focus determines how we proceed.

We can give ourselves permission to be attentive or quiet. Others love to share stories and by simply being present, our state of mind can maintain the holiday spirit. The best gift of the season is permission to be comfortable with the self. Design what is needed to lift our spirits and let others benefit from it.

Monday, December 23, 2024

Spirit of Love

"Blessed is the season which engages the whole world
in a conspiracy of love."
Hamilton Write Mabie

With all of the glittering lights and golden shimmers, I am adjusting my vision to see everything through the eyes of Christmas Spirit. I am going to believe in the kindness of others and respect his and her traditions while I honor my own. I am prepared to carve out a very special place for myself.

My intention is to overlook, just for now, things that are not aligned and engage in healthy and nurturing scenarios. I want what is best for others, but not at the cost of my personal peace. Extending my light energy, others will be blanketed in honor and respect regardless of the holiday they celebrate.

It is impossible for me to shelter the homeless, feed the starving children and put an end to war. Bur I can love! Love will be sent to my family, neighbors, and those living everywhere. Prayers will be offered to those who are transitioning in any way, shape or form. I want to be the love Spirit has always meant me to be. 

Sunday, December 22, 2024

Recognized Symbol

"Christmas is like candy; it slowly melts in your mouth sweetening
every taste bud, making you wish it could last forever."
Richelle Goodrich

Over the years, holidays, tend to shift. Location is altered, attendance fluctuates, and gifts tend to be altered by both time and space. So many things change, but the candy cane remains a highly recognized symbol. It seems we are never too old to experience the taste of peppermint. 

During these times, some desperately try to recreate childhood joy while others are determined to overcome the drama still wedged in their hearts. When we gather with others, however, highlighted by Christmas Carols, laughter, and good cheer, the innocence of childhood wonder creeps into our hearts.

Let's tickle the toes of children, and listen to the tales of the past. Delight in the decorations and feast upon the food. But never, ever, ignore the pleas of the heart. When it is time to leave, do so. If you must cry, do not be ashamed. When time seems to stand still, find a candy cane to replenish sweetness in the soul.

Saturday, December 21, 2024

Winter Solstice Intentions


"Perhaps that was the worst of all. Not having
someone to remember things with."
Rosamunde Pilcher, Winter Solstice

Everything is still with seeds deeply sleeping while darkness seems to hover everywhere. The earth is dormant, allowing us to go within. It is a time for self exploration, dreams and aspirations. Evaluations allow us to pitch what no longer serves, making room and nurturing our inner fertile ground.

In this silence, we are intended to be alone. Our inner voice reaches out to redirect us into our hearts. It is a time for remembering, releasing, and restoring. We are called to be quiet and be still. Within this darkness, we reconnect with our true self, allowing our feelings to be expressed rather than buried deeply within our soul.

This is a sacred time for kindling our spirit and writing scripts reflecting new pathways for our journey. It is a time for preparing prior to the long days of sun returning. Feeling our power, we orchestrate new steps to be taken into the sun with our hearts wide open. Through candles, rituals, song and dance, our hibernation begins.

Friday, December 20, 2024

Just Curious ...

"Love the giver more than the gift."
Brigham Young

Just curious, when you span back across the years of holiday celebrations, do you remember the gifts you received or what food you were served? Hopefully, your memories are warmly wrapped in loving thoughts of the people sharing space. Perhaps you can still hear the laughter from stories stirring the heart.

Just curious, do you remember what you wore to be festive? Was it a brilliantly expensive newly purchased outfit or sweat pants with Christmas socks? Are you nudged into remembering who was not present and whether or not it made you happy or sad? Elements of emotion are like a kaleidoscope twisted and turned.

Just curious, are you ready to fast forward into the New Year? Have you already had enough or do the deepest part of the self crave more? Perhaps you long for miracles to make you feel whole again, releasing the trials and tribulations of this past year. Be gentle with your lovely self, and notice how you are a gift to others. 


Thursday, December 19, 2024

Offer Blessings

"Christmas is not as much about opening our presents
as opening our hearts."
Janice Maeditere

During the Christmas Season, it seems as though the hearts and minds of others are widely open. People seem a little kinder to each other and tend to offer the benefit of a doubt. How life would be different if we offered blessings to others ... both known and unknown ... all year long, and not just during the holidays.

We may participate more in groups distributing assistance to those less fortunate. Maybe we listen less to the news and more to Christmas music. Grown children may live far away, so we may find joy in baking cookies or crafting with children in our communities. Our actions, whether seen or unseen, generate a sense of goodwill.

There is delight in becoming a Secret Santa. Let us be a part of the forward movement once called  'paying it forward'. Tip the waitress exceedingly higher than normal;  pay for the coffee or food of someone else; gather hats, mittens, and scarves for shelters; and pray whole heartedly for all peoples suffering everywhere.

Wednesday, December 18, 2024

Creating Bouquets

"Flowers don't worry about how they're going to bloom. They
just open up and turn toward the light and that makes them beautiful."
Jim Carrey

Just like a flower, we have no idea when we are going to bloom. In the beginning, we may feel our feet deeply rooted. Then strong winds might push us down or scorching beams of sun might wilt us. Somehow, we manage to try again, stretching to grow towards our goals. So much relies upon trust and faith.

No matter 'where' we find ourselves today, try to begin again. Maybe do a little weeding of fear or adjusting too high of an expectation. Perhaps we haven't reached enough towards hope and need to begin again with a new sense of renewal. Maybe we need to readjust our giving and lavishly apply it within ourselves.

All things take time to unfold and mysteriously growth spurts occur. We may begin to wonder just how much influence we have over our chosen paths. Today, pause and be grateful for things received, and opportunities arriving. Celebrate the numerous times our personal petals opened creating bouquets generously shared with others.

Tuesday, December 17, 2024

Holding Space

"When we are looking for compassion, we need someone who is deeply rooted,
 is able to bend, and most of all, embraces us for our strengths and struggles."
Brene Brown 

Holding space for someone means that we allow that person to simply be present in whatever challenge they find themselves. We embrace the other without judgment or criticism. There is no need for us to have a perfect answer or offerings of wisdom. It is the atmosphere of safety that we provide and  a matter of opening our hearts with unconditional support. 

With pure acceptance, we offer an arena for spewing all thoughts, emotions, and fears. We allow the person to simply release all that is challenging them without placating or minimizing his or her journey. We simply observe as they grieve, unleash and struggle to find an element of reconciliation. As a calm witness, we do not attempt to evaluate, fix, or change the other person.

Being present for others develops the skill of being still. This ability can be used to create  harmony in our own lives. We can hold a space of safety to release our own pain and sorrow, allowing clarity to surface. Allowing the self to bend and reshape, we move through pain and sorrow in order to recall our own essence of loving kindness. 

Monday, December 16, 2024

Bigger Picture

"The journey into self-love and self-acceptance
must begin with self-examination."
Iyanla Vanzant

Sitting before the tree, I notice that I am staring at one delicate glass bulb. It stirs memories within me and I feel my emotions sliding back into a certain time and place. I am no longer viewing the tree with precious decorations, as my vision has settled just on one. Reluctantly, I extend my awareness to recapture the beauty of the whole.

And is this not just like life? Something unexpectedly pops up and we zero in forgetting all else around us. Negativity, chaos and a sense of victimization permeates even though we have the choice to keep things balanced in perspective. It is not so much what is happening, but our ability to maintain broader vision.

It is easy to fall into automatic pilot, choosing what we know rather than what might be an improved new route. When we utilize the privilege of pause, clarity arises from the larger picture. Learning to understand our complicated selves, rather than singular focus, we are able to embrace the fullness of our existence. 

Sunday, December 15, 2024


"Promise me you will always remember: You're braver than 
you believe, and stronger than you seem and 
smarter than you think."
A.A. Milne

Visualization is a technique that is free, easy to learn, and beneficial for the body, mind, and spirit. It is not based in a particular faith and can be self-taught in our own private space. It is a matter of holding the self present, closing the eyes, and creating images. Envisioning positive scenarios releases preconceived negative expectations.

We can choose an image of a person, place or thing. By adding senses like smell, taste, touch, hearing or sight, a present moment can become enhanced. Holding images of what we desire sends messages to our subconscious mind. Consistently visualizing our goals trains us be more focused and productive.

We have the power to transform ourselves by deliberately holding images in our mind. We have the strength and sensitivity to break out of roles that no longer reflect who we are and gain increased insights. Sit quietly, and bring heightened images to mind. We can use our intuition, compassion and alignment to create healthy transitions.


Saturday, December 14, 2024

Participating With Silence

"I think writers, by nature, are more observers
instead of participators."
Ian Hunter 

'Tis the season for parties whether highly jeweled or casually dressed. There is great joy when we indulge in holiday delicacies while sitting at a beautifully arranged table or roasting marshmallows around the open fire. Whether entertained by work, family, or friends, we may feel ourselves turning inward.

We need people in our lives whether kindred spirits or diverse souls. They help us discover our sensitivities and challenge our perceptions. If we choose to actively listen without judgment, we hold space for others to grow as well. Truly, it is not about being right or wrong, but the gift of transitioning thoughts.

Participating in silence, additional information is often shared, altering our viewpoints with deeper compassion. It is not about being right or wrong, but awakening to insights regarding the challenges of all earth travelers.  The importance is not necessarily the obstacle itself, but learning diverse ways as to how others negotiate. 

Friday, December 13, 2024

Burst My Bubble

"Keep away from people who try to belittle your ambitions.
Small people always do that, but the really great make
you feel that you, too, can become great."
Mark Twain

Celebrating the holiday season, I was dressed in festive clothing. My heart was open and filled with brilliant light. In the midst of familiar people, I was openly vulnerable with all whom I encountered. Then I was blind sighted.  Within a deliberate one-sided conversation, there was an attempt to strip me of any sense of self-worth and sacred space.

I was attacked by a tongue lashing which highlighted my age, position in life, and lack of contribution to society, I found myself frozen in place. I simply stood there in shock and disbelief. My pulsing red hot anger momentarily triggered age old feelings of shame and disgrace. The words washed over me from a voice cooing vilifications. 

There was a time I could whittle anyone down with cutting words, slashing them with my tongue; but, that is not who I am today. Standing in place, I silently begged for light to cover me, reflecting all negativity back from where it had come. Go ahead and burst my bubble, but I will disallow anyone to take away my vision of peace on earth!