Tuesday, April 4, 2023

The Creative Process of Intuition

"Intuition is really a sudden immersion of the soul 
into the universal current of life."
Paulo Coehlo 

As humans, both masculine and feminine energies are present in each individual.  It doesn't matter if you are male or female, as all genders carry the same aspects of universal flow.  It is the female energy residing in both genders that funnels intuition out into the world.

Intuition is the creative inner voice speaking truth and wisdom into our core being. These 'gut feelings' nudge us into directions we might not otherwise travel. The masculine energy is the force carrying the intuition out into the world.

It is through our creative feminine side that we are able to embrace intuition, and through our masculine side, we are able to express intuition through action. Joined together, both aspects reveal the creative process. 


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