Sunday, April 16, 2023

Necessity of Improvement

"Manifestation simply means, things that you need,
want, desire, or that will benefit you in your path,
getting faster at lining up with your life."
Lee Harris

Life calls us to be bigger and better which ultimately improves the world we live in. It is less about ego and selfishness and more about enhancing the nature of our being. If we continuously minimize our worth, we run the risk of not reaching our potential.

If we choose to check in with ourselves, we become more aware of our heart's desire. Then we are more apt to recognize available tools to assist us in attaining measures of growth. We are meant to expand and prosper, and it begins with self-realization.

As we learn to live a more fulfilling life, we maintain improved health, creative visualization, and deeper connections with the Divine. As we prosper, we impact not only our human experience, but the lives of others surrounding us. 


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