Sunday, April 2, 2023

Remove The Fence, Create A Bridge


"With all that is happening in the world,
how will you build bridges?"
Richard Rudd

Relationships are not consistently amicable nor are communities necessarily harmonious, and then there are global disputes.  So how do you react?  Do you erect fences or build bridges?  If you view society, it would seem that fences are everywhere. Where are the arches offering harmony and healing?

There are numerous options for you to connect with others forming healthy bonds.  Who can you spend more time with creating open exchanges?  Can you notice small ways to serve reflecting kindness between loved ones and strangers? And what of emotional roadblocks you have created by ignoring hurtful experiences?   

Begin to take down your fences and create new bridges.  Link inner communication with guided wisdom and heart's desire.  Increase tolerance for those with opposing views. Open to passageways leading to harmony. Recognize your ability to be a part of the bridge leading humanity to peace. 

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