Friday, April 28, 2023

At What Cost?


"Magical things in life can come out 
of nothing and out of nowhere."
Tamar Charney

Children maintain a pace of laughter, tears, and jubilation. They are comforted by the sounds in nature and mesmerized by rocks buried in the ground. They readily accept and respect the spontaneous appearance of birds, butterflies and creatures that crawl.

At what cost did we release these human instincts? What was so rewarding that we relinquished respect for all that is? How did we replace creative inspiration with cryptic jargon, selfish actions, and distancing from the soul?

We are all being called back to communion with the earth. We find ourselves now yearning to connect with the energy in streams, beams, and rolling hills. It is time to rebirth our inner spirits to once again, become one.

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