Friday, April 14, 2023

First or Last?

"I've been shifting from a mindset of living each day
as if it's my last ~ to living each day as if it's my first!"
Suleika Jaouad 

When I experience today as if it were my very last, I experience anxiety, fear, and apprehension.  If I view today as though it were my first, I am filled with imagination, excitement and an eagerness for it to unfold.

There is choice of how we view our days. If we weave elements of kindness within the threads of necessity, we will prosper. Our energy will not be as quickly depleted. We are more apt to stay in alignment.

What can we change in given situations to shift the outcome? Can we be less sensitive, more direct and open hearted?  If we do nothing to alter outcome, there is nothing but repetition. It is when we step out of the recurring behavior that delight unfolds.

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