Saturday, April 8, 2023

Out Come Unclear


"Transformation is a process, and as life happens, 
there are tons of ups and downs. It's a journey of
discovery ~ there are moments of mountaintops 
and moments in deep valleys of despair."
Rick Warren

Transformation occurs on numerous levels and individuals experience it in differing ways. It can be frightening and at times exhilarating, but it requires courage and resilience. The pull may be strong, but the final out come is often unclear.  

While moving forward, it may seem like we are moving backwards. When we shed what is familiar to embrace the unknown, we are called to release our fears. Approaching change with curiosity and a gentleness, we secure a greater connection and rapport with all there is. 

As we consciously rekindle our energy through spiritual practices, healthy life styles, and unconditional love for others. we continuously move forward on our journey.  We create an appreciation for each step, not distracted by what lies behind us or what awaits ahead.

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