Thursday, April 20, 2023

Heal To Make Whole

"Healing is about making whole. To be a healer, 
you have to be able to listen,
to learn, and to love."
Surgeon General of United States

Healing is a very expansive process leading to wholeness.  It assists in the release of emotional, physical and spiritual wounds. It eradicates darkness, replacing it with a light to be shared. It is about joy and living a fluent life within a chaotic world.

The way we respond to challenge and loss contributes to our ability to live fully. If we are harsh and critical, it taints our perception of the world. If we regard our journey with tenderness, we are open to healing by learning how expansive we can truly be.

The art of healing is not a quick fix nor a cure to remove illness.  When we allow ourselves to heal through listening, learning and loving, we become more fully the person we were intended to be. Improved mental health through self-realization, can repair the broken.


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