Saturday, January 15, 2022

Presence of Full Moon


"Moon beams, moon light, come fill my heart.
Make me strong, and never let us part."
Virginia Carlson

The full moon often triggers disruptions and inconsistent energy patterns, as we face outcomes from intentions made during the new moon.  Did we set a clear intention declaring amendments to our communication and actions?

The full moon casts light into dark areas overshadowed by what we have left undone;  unrealistic expectations or lack of follow through.  Were we truly committed or just creating lofty scenarios of desire?

When the full moon beams positive energy, we muster the strength to face reality.  We perceive with clarity the need to release attachments to outcomes and to embrace what lies before us.  The presence of the full moon offers connection of unspoken communication; awareness of personal integrity; and uplifting of love and harmony. 

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