Monday, January 3, 2022

Come Home to the Self


"Be easy. Take your time.
You are coming home to yourself."
Nayyirah Waheed 

Emotions may be creating unease within our body, mind, and spirit.  Residue from the  holidays have a tendency to disrupt, but also  offer us an opportunity to eliminate that which we no longer need. 

Our business practices may need to be polished and relationships might need to be updated.  In this new year, we need to take our time choosing what will best uplift and support us.  As we remove heavy memories and critical judgments, we gain personal power.

Why spend another year repeating duplicate agendas?  Start fresh by detangling all that binds. Project loving kindness from the heart which then attracts what we authentically need. Consistently, bathe the inner soul with light while patiently finding the way home.. 

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