Tuesday, January 25, 2022

Embracing The Infinity Symbol

"One who conquers the sea today is ready
to conquer the ocean tomorrow." 
Matshona Dhliwayo

Learning to swim in Lake Michigan, physical strength was heightened while offering a sense of cleansing.  Life guarding at a pool instilled respect for water and need for safety.  Wading through streams collecting rocks or diving into waves in the ocean blessed my soul with forever connection.

My balance is equalized by all of the elements: water, air, fire and earth. The air I breathe expands and contracts within me while my passions are rekindled by fire.  The placement of my well traveled feet upon this sacred ground, supports and renews me.

Without a relationship with the elements, there is an eternity of blessings to be missed.  Imaging the infinity symbol, there is a momentum suggested for humans to give and thus receive to the fullest.   When we stand with respect, love, and honor for both challenge and reward, a life is truly experienced.

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