Friday, January 7, 2022

Beauty Triggers Connection

"Maybe the desire to make something beautiful 
is the piece of God that is inside each of us."
Mary Oliver

We limit our gifts to the world by believing we must be an established artist or published author or member of an orchestra prior to creative contribution.   This of course is a false perception.

The gardener dedicated to flowers, unknowingly produces benefits to others who happen to pass by.  The woman with a baby in a stroller attracts innocent emotion from those on the street.  The recognized impulse to reach out to assist one other also increases beauty in our world.

There is a spark within each of us reflecting our connection with Divine Spirit.  It is when we choose to take action with these prompts that we contribute to the creative spirit in the midst of all living things.  As we give the self permission to honor the natural gifts within, we honor the piece of God waiting for us to begin .

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