Monday, January 24, 2022

Never Ending

"Life's challenges are not suppose to paralyze you,
they're supposed to help you discover who you are."
Bernice Johnson Reagon

In time, we learn that sustained development does not protect us from upheaval.  There seems to be only 'in the moment' strength to help us face unexpected experiences.  Ideally, we have learned to stand in pain, while gathering fortitude to discover higher ground.

Whether mentally overcome with emotions or physically overwhelmed by the threat of  harm, we frequently may feel paralyzed by fear.  Trapped in the suspended moment, alignment seems very far away.

When reality sinks in and we prepare for a new journey, it is helpful to remember accomplishments from the past.  Strength is gathered as we feel the light within which we are able to carry into any darkness.  Life is the never ending process.

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