Sunday, January 23, 2022

Land of Freshly Fallen Snow

"I took a walk in the woods and came out taller than the trees."
Henry David Thoreau

There is hurt in my heart and I can feel fragments of the past becoming magnetized to this present pain.  I am aware that accumulating negativity will create a spiral down into the darkness where I really do not want to go.

Choosing to slip on my heavy winter coat, I enter the land of  freshly fallen snow.  I venture to the wooded walkway, simple blocks over the hill. As my feet touch Mother Nature's treelined haven, I instantly feel welcome, loved, and valued.

With each step, I gain confidence.  With each breath, I feel healed.  With each glance into the trees, I embrace the sense of connection with all.  Memorizing the sounds of scampering ground creatures, birds in song, and wind moving branches of the trees, I return home prepared to face life with the strength of a well loved tree.


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