Wednesday, January 12, 2022

Mourning and Sunrise

"my heart fell, as the sun set 
mourning what was never there."
Women of the Tree Clan

We go through life absorbing negativity, and forgetting to let it go.  We hide it within us which only contributes thickness to the dark.  Denial keeps reality at bay as we focus on the brightness of the sun.  In mourning, we wish our hurt away.

As the sun sets, it becomes challenging to face what we have avoided all day.  If our memories are stacked with the misconceptions of failure, we slide a slippery slope causing us dismay.  It is unclear as to how we can heal our lovely self and we resist the olive branch extended not so far away.

When it becomes clear that our misconceptions have lulled us into rugged terrain, and have repeatedly misled us from our true nature, there appears an opportunity to simply start again. Shedding tainted perceptions, our flame begins to glow giving  clarity of vision.  As the sun once again begins to rise, we pull our soul up into the realm of better choices and diversified   options.

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