Sunday, January 9, 2022

Crayons From The Past


"I have been a seeker and I still am,
but I stopped asking the books and the stars.
I have started listening to the teaching of my soul."

In the quietude of winter,  one can isolate an existing moment from old baggage and habits of fear.  By doing so, we experience what is before us without distortion.  If we no longer cloak a moment we are able to perceive the moment just as it is.

If we see our selves quietly positioned with a song bird or a butterfly fluttering about us, we are suspended in the beauty of the moment.  We do not drop into a dialogue about all of the past times we have seen a bird or butterfly! We remain in the beauty before us.

The soul calls us to be still while perceiving each instance. We have the human habit of coloring the present with crayons from the past.  It is vital to stop shading the new with shadows from painful memories.  Right now, in this space, a moment exists with a new lesson, insight or bliss.


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