Saturday, January 1, 2022

It Is Time, My Friend ...


"When your heart is content, your life can always
find the path inwards to this deep stillness in you."
John O'Donohue

The celebration of life within triggers our hearts to dance with joy. Our intentions deepen and new pathways open before us.  Our yearnings begin to blossom and a willingness to open our eyes to the mysteries surrounding us becomes prevalent. 

If we make the commitment each day to tend to our inner fire, we will expand our energy,  heighten our awareness and connect with a stronger sense of knowing. We will feel alive in our offerings to others and easily find alignment with our intended purpose.

Rather than projecting thoughts about the end of the month or the end of the season or the end of the year, stand in each moment enlightened by incoming messages about trust, joy and faith.  It is time dear friend, to release sorrow and no longer live for tomorrow.  

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