Saturday, January 29, 2022

Nudged To Articulate

"We take control of our personal power by becoming 
courageous enough to articulate, out loud and concisely, 
the essence of our emotions."
Daily Om

As I stood before them with tears running down my face, I could feel my emotional feet wanting to run away.  How easy it would be to deny my nature as I have done so many times before with the intention of balancing the upheaval before me.

At times, it does feel easier to acquiesce to the voice of others, but the harm we do to our lovely selves is abuse through our own doing.  In spite of the emotions screaming through my heart, I find the strength to speak the truth as I know it.  Even if it changes nothing, I am honoring and respecting whom I am called to be.

Reclaiming my power, I feel strength return to my natural being. I am internally nudged to remember  my sense of integrity and the spiritual path calling to me.  Lastly, I am given freedom to focus on my own needs and how I want to spend my declining years.  


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