Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Unlock A Softness

"Maybe the most important teaching is to lighten up and relax.
It's such a huge help in working with our crazy mixed-up minds
to remember that what we're doing is unlocking a softness that is in us 
and letting it spread.  We're letting it blur the sharp corners 
of self-criticism and complaint."

Pema Chodron

Meditation is a tool to help us relax our bodies to release stress.  There are those, however, trying so hard to master the art of meditation, even more stress is acquired.  We can stress ourselves out over any thing we choose.  

One would think we would use just as much time singling out our assets as we would our deficits.  Instead of wallowing in the heaviness of criticism, one could be joyfully sharing creative strengths.  Children anxiously report the wonderment in life as soon as they see a peer.  They rarely report how many time outs they have had or how often they got dirty.  

As we age, we grow a protection around ourselves in hopes of dodging criticism from others.  Unfortunately, it traps our own callous remarks inside and does not allow our soft spots to thrive and unfold.  Without appropriate nurturing, our soft spots turn hard eliminating the sense of joy.

There are numerous ways of maintaining a higher awareness of our positive aspects. We can make a list of our best qualities and post it where we will be seen often.  We can be mindful to immediately counter balance any self-criticism with reminders of positivity.  We can be more gentle as we approach any activity, willing to be a beginner and delighted to receive whatever arises.  We can relax into our busy routines using breath work and repetitive breaks throughout our schedules.  

Deliberately carve out time to whisper thoughts of kindness, thankfulness, and gratitude.  Refrain from treating our lovely selves any less than we would a dear friend.  While walking upon Mother Earth, place feet softly upon the ground.  Move inward and outward like a gentle breeze.  Unlock the softness residing within ...


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