Sunday, March 1, 2015

Escape Artist and Last Exit

"In the end,
we'll all become

Margaret Atwood

In my earliest memories, I found myself treasuring the written word. Books were my friends and the stories they shared allowed me to step into a depth of imagination and wonderment.  In third grade I was granted a library card which opened my world to even more revelation.  I began to learn about more people and to discover many more places of adventure.  My passion for reading continued throughout my life instilling within me, no two people are alike and every spirit can be resilient. 

Saturated with words from others, my interest began to include my own writing.  It, too, was a form of escape.  I never wrote stories as I was more focused on understanding people and situations.  My writing skills were noticed though out my education as they became more fluent and imaginative.

For many, I became a 'secret keeper' which added to my own unspoken thoughts.  My broader understanding from fiction characters and their reactions to challenge, assisted me in comforting others.  Someone how, I was always able to strip away the trivia and see directly into the heart of the problem.  This, unfortunately, was not always appreciated.

Eventually my reading and writing was enhanced through other artistic expression which still increased my ability to escape.  Whether I was sketching, carving wood prints, painting, hand making quilts or baskets, I was able to easily escape whatever surrounded me through the joy of creation.

When a person's heart becomes swollen with the wounds of others and personal peril, reading, writing, listening to others, and creative expression requires an additional escape.  I then strategically erected a platform to allow my words to be heard.  In sharing with others through the spoken word, I was able to validate my own stories whether fiction or not.

Once one has mastered being an escape artist, it is truly difficult to be present and still.  My nature is to withdraw into myself where I find the joy of gathered characters, bits of wisdom, and the beauty of nature.  It is here, however, another escape route was discovered.  The flow of the Divine running through all of us clearly take us away through dreams, visions, and prayer.  Perhaps, this is the last exit.

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