Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Focused Reflection Exploring

"It is only when we are willing to look beyond the surface characteristics
that we exhibit each day that we can peel back the layers of our personalities
to find the innate depth that exists within us."

Daily Om

Three themes guide my writing:  Articulating Silence, Deciphering Dreams, and Exploring Inner Landscapes.  The process of exploring within is a deep excavation requiring diligence and focus.  When one goes slowly, diverse pieces of information can be gently unearthed.  Perhaps by itself, it may not be an exciting discovery, but when pieced together with others, the find can by significant.  

We cultivate a deeper understanding of our authentic identity by exploring how our emotional and physical environment contributes to our persona.  Large episodes may stand out in our mind, but when we link several smaller ones together, the big picture reflects greater dimensions.  

With new insights, our intentions become more transparent and the roots to our motivations are exposed.  Our behaviors reflect a depth not previously understood.  We realize that our impulses are not as spontaneous as we once thought.

Again, this is a process.  The deeper the exploration, significant nuggets of insight shine.  This takes consistent application, clear focus, and courage to keep digging.  The outcome will enhance who we are.  We will take on a mastered version with a broad range of elements one would have never guessed.  

When we slow down our train of thought, the world is no longer a fleeting glimpse.  In slow motion through a different scope, our view becomes more colorful, extremely detailed, and astonishingly connected.  When we explore with focus, we will discover the varying aspects of our lovely selves.

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