Friday, March 13, 2015

Unexpected Companion

"Eckhart Tolle and Cesar Milan:  
Dogs bring many gifts into our lives, 
including:  hope, forgiveness, and love.  
Dogs balance the entire energy field 
in our homes and connect us with nature."

My Bella is an adopted dog from the animal shelter.  She was abused as well as neglected.  She is five years old and is a Red Bone Coon Hound Mix.  It would be impressive to say I rescued her out of the goodness of my heart, but the truth is, I brought her into my home for selfish reasons.

In this year together, Bella has offered me compassion, unconditional love, and responsibility.  She snuggles with me when I feel lonely and I share my deepest thoughts with her daily.  We go on long walks together appreciating the beauty of nature while getting our exercise.  She is by my side every day as I write or read.  She has a way of sensing when I am anxious and will unwaveringly stare into my eyes. 

Bella has brought balance into my life as well as life into my home.  She makes me feel needed, triggers a broad range of emotions and allows me to be loving.  She is an unexpected companion bringing joy into my life.  I need her, this is for sure.  As they say, "Who rescued who?"

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