Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Fear Only Breaks Our Wings

"Hold fast to dreams,
For if dreams die
Life is a broken-winged bird,
That cannot fly."

Langston Hughes

If we expect our dreams to come true, we cannot sit in isolation closed off from possibilities, or fuel ourselves with negativity.  We must be open to change and opportunity.  When we gently focus and remain mindful, we are much more likely to find ourselves participating in the creation of desire.

The Universe needs a sense of our will, and requires the freedom to orchestrate the scenario needing to be exposed. Without attention, we will miss opportunities, especially if our expectation is designed in one strict way.  We may receive more blessings by allowing the Universe freedom to create outside of our restricted view.

Life is a canvas to be filled with hope and joy.  Seldom does the finished piece of art ever look like our original sketch.  We much allow spirit to flow through us, to nudge us in differing directions.  Trust will allow us to take flight where fear only breaks our wings.

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