Monday, March 2, 2015

Agree to Disagree

""Imagine what the world would be like
if we could come to see our likes and dislikes
as merely likes and dislikes, 
and what we take to be intrinsically true 
as just our own personal

Pema Chodron
Living Beautifully 

When we live in fear, we cling to our beliefs rather rigidly.  We do not invite the uncomfortable feeling of exploring truths of others and certainly we resist change.  When we examine many resources, new information reinforces what we already believe or expands our awareness.  Unless we are easily swayed, there is no reason to fear the unknown.

In Western Culture, many Eastern Culture practices are being embraced.  We are broadening our scope and beginning to see value where we once slammed doors.  When we interact with differences, we can form an educated preference either supporting or dismissing the knowledge learned.

This struggle with clinging to our comfort zone is most easily seen in parenting skills.  Our parents silently shake their heads as they observe our family habits, just as some of our best friends may do.  Rarely, do friends totally agree on child rearing issues.  Young parents do not let these differences prevent their children from playing together nor does it separate adult friendships unless there is an extreme issue. 

We find the most disparity in political views or religious beliefs.  If we exquisitely listen to what is being said without using our filters, we then begin to understand.  Even though we may tell ourselves, "I would never do that," we will never know unless we are in the exact situation.  We are called to understand the uniqueness of each person's journey without coloring it with our own experiences.  We are all different and react differently, but together are worthy of respect.  We are called to see with new eyes whether we agree or disagree. When we learn to respect the views of others rather than being threatened by them, we will grow towards peace and calm.

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