Thursday, March 12, 2015

Long After Me

"The things you do for yourself are gone when you are gone,
but the things you do for others remain as your legacy."

Kalu Ndukwe Kalu

I walked through a memorial garden, with cement pillars topped with iron clad busts of men who had stimulated progress over decades of change.  An historical bulletin was placed upon the cement pillar of each man.  As I wandered in the midst of these distinguished males, I could not help but wonder about personal integrity and character beneath the well scripted facts.  

We fool ourselves into thinking we need to do one great thing to carve our imprint upon this earth.  We seem to require a sense of a monumental accomplishment to be deemed worthy of life.  Although I may have felt this way years ago, I definitely do not view life this way at all.  The contribution at the end, whether great or small, will continue to reflect how we arrived at this closure.  How did we treat others along the way?  Did we inspire others or keep our brilliance close to our chest?  Did we ever acknowledge those who were the bridges to connect our series of venture?  Were we true to ourselves or did we play a role for some other?  Was our route deliberate or were we successful only when we were brave enough to wander a differing way?

I no longer yearn for perfection, but I strive to do my best.  I am deliberate in my actions to reflect the kind of human being I was first meant to be.  There will not be a courtyard dedicated to me, but the flames I have kindled in the hearts of others will hopefully shine brightly long after me.

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