Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Goodness Awaits

"Healing doesn't mean the damage never existed.
It means the damage no longer controls our lives."

Author Unknown

Damage happens to us when our power is taken away through repression or any form of abuse.  It can be very painful emotionally, and or, physically.  It seems that our bodies heal more rapidly than our emotional memories.  If we continue to replay these disastrous events over and over in our minds, we are continuing to allow ourselves to be harmed.  In a very strong sense, by not letting go, we allow the abuser to repeatedly hurt us.

When we have been harmed, we frequently become angry spiritually.  We ask why this event was allowed to happen as though Celestial Spirits orchestrated against us.  This, of course, is misplaced anger.  

There are two important questions:  1.) What is the lesson I need to learn from this and 2.) How is this experience still limiting my life?  When we can assert a positive approach, something good can be created out of something we originally felt as detrimental.  We will not remain stuck, layered with drama and additional crisis.  We will move forward with our lives knowing goodness awaits.  

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