Sunday, March 22, 2015

Fields of Possibilities

"Step into the field of all possibilities and experience
all the fun, adventure, magic and mystery of life."

Deepak Chopra

Winter lulls us into a hibernation.  We don't socialize as much and have a tendency to feel isolated.  The trees, however, are always standing and waiting for us to see them.  We can catch a glimpse of one out in our yard or as our car zips down the road, we may see several standing at attention.   One may have a broken limb and another may have overshadowed a smaller tree now withered, but they are still prepared to witness our presence.

Life has offered me years of adventure and fun accompanied by challenge and loss.  I have learned and maybe not as much as I could have, but I have been impacted by change.  Now it is more comfortable for me to experience the magic in the density of the woods or during observance of the transitions of nature.  

It is a mystery to me how life pushes up through the earth, roots dig deeply down, and magnificent shapes and colors unfold.  I find myself in awe of the majestic colors most artists fail to duplicate.  The fragrance in the air is like no other and triggers all of my senses into high alert.  Breathe in the spirit of life, quietly listen to the silence, broaden vision to capture all there is to see and let imagination dance freely until the heart is filled to the brim.

I find nature filled with kindness, restoring my hibernating soul in a vulnerable way not offered by my fellow humankind. Relaxed into a state of safety, seemingly wrapped in the arms of the unseen, I willingly return to the other field of possibility called life amongst the living. 

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