Saturday, December 27, 2014

Remedy to Refurbish

"You have to love yourself because no amount of love
from others is sufficient to fill the yearning 
that your soul requires from you."


When we begin to adjust to the aftermath of the holidays, we notice more specific things about ourselves.  We may find ourselves irritable from being around too many people, disruption in digestion from over eating (food not particularly healthy), and simply out of sorts.

Returning to our normal routine may not be enough.  We may need to step outside, no matter what the weather, and just breathe in fresh air.  We may have to use our voice and decline a few invitations.   Double up on vitamin C and go to bed early or take a nap.  Getting the house back into shape will eventually happen.  Do not force tasks that are not yet ready to be tackled.

We have spent the last month focusing on the needs of others, so now we need to turn back inside of our lovely selves and tune into what we specifically need.  We can restore ourselves through exercise, massage, long walks, solitary reading, meditation, yoga, or anything self-prescribed.   What will make us most relaxed ... listening to music, picking up a paint brush, or journal assisted by a hot cup of tea.

So for this moment, be nice to lovely you.  Treat yourself with loving care.  Act like an unexpected guest in your own home. Nurture, with human kindness.  Gently return to inner harmony and physical balance. Tomorrow is another day!

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