Monday, December 8, 2014

Contagious Actions

""If you gather up all the parts of yourself, 
and love them, 
that love becomes contagious."

Panache Desai

When we transition from striving to be 'enough' to remembering we are well supplied, we can settle into being fully ourselves.  It would be wonderful if we all could make a huge world changing event during our life time, but 'how we are' in this world is of grand importance.  Panache Desai shares, "If you are at peace with yourself, you are already making a difference."  Supporting world peace or volunteering in our community are excellent efforts, but we must first "take responsibility and stock of our own path of consciousness."

The gift of our peaceful selves can be a profound contribution.  When we are in alignment with ourselves, we carry positive energy that vibrates out into  the external world.  We are being the change we want to see.  Our peaceful energy joins the collective energy impacting us all.  Our collective energy will gain momentum and assist the world in shifting from fear to love.

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