Friday, December 5, 2014

Decisions Under Pressure

"No matter what befalls you,
your freedom of choice is yours ~
even if the only choices open to you
involve nothing more 
than riding out the storm."

Madisyn Taylor
Daily Om

As a reaction to conflict, we can pitch a tantrum like a child; ignore reality like a teenager; or explore options like an adult.  We always have options, even though they might not be stellar.  Once we make a decision, we experience a sense of freedom.  With decision making, we are tapping our internal power rather than external.  Connecting with our heart and feelings, we are responding in an authentic way, not a knee-jerk reaction.  

When we exercise our freedom of choice, we are less likely to feel trapped.  The act of deciding escorts us from victim mode to action which is empowering.  Even if the choice  is to wait a little longer before a final decision, we have established room for a well thought out plan.  Doing nothing, can be a decision in itself.

When we are confronted with an either or situation, and neither option is in our favor, we can pause and ask, "Do I really want to invest my energy in this?"  In life, we are often backed against a wall, forcing us to change course rather than endure.  Demands can be opportunities to reassess a relationship, career, or opportunity.

It is important to consult our inner self asking: what do I truly want;  how will I arrange my priorities; does my hard work benefit myself, others, or both; and where do I really want to be?  We have no business making decisions when we are not in touch with our realistic personal desires.  If we are under great pressure, forced to make a decision that is not clear to us, we need  a time out.  The decision we make under pressure, may not be in our best interest.  When we take a few steps away, we begin to see the situation through a different lens, perhaps seeing the bigger picture,  which will help us with a better suited choice.

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