Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Chagrined, Repelled, or Offended

Dave Lieberman 

As this  season continues, we find our selves discerning whether or not to express holiday greetings.  We don't want to offend and yet we want to share our good wishes.  Our communities are quite diverse and it is not easy to remember if someone is Jewish, Christian, Non-Christian, Religious or Non-Religious.  We can find ourselves intimidated by co-workers or friends who actually complain about verbal exchanges during the holidays.  

The chart above helped me to decide how to handle the verbal holiday situation.  I am going to express my good wishes as that is how I am.  I will reflect my authenticity.  If the receiver is chagrined, repelled, or offended, then that is truly their problem as it is not my intention.  The recipient who chooses to be appalled, needs to learn how to play nicely with others.  Demonstrate a little self-respect and respect for others.  Present in an honorable way, by just nodding the head or releasing clenched lips into a smile! Thank you!

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