Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Initial Steps Out Of Comfort Zone

"Never ignore a nudge or whisper from God."


Divine Spirit works in miraculous ways, often times called synchronicity.  We need to begin in the moment we hear a whisper of intention.  Not next week, but today, this very moment.  We may be wondering about a topic when we are nudged to pick up a book, and there the very subject is presented.  Encouraged to turn down a street we have never been on before, we discover the perfect rental property.  On a lark we call a massage therapist and learn the next appointment just got cancelled.  Our brain is fried and the deadline is quickly approaching, so the thought of taking a walk is ludicrous.  Except, out of frustration, we take the walk anyway, and come up with a brilliant resolve.

We tell ourselves stories, wasting moments, days, and years:

I cannot afford it right now. (This may be true, but you can begin on a smaller scale like making a collage of destinations; dream homes; or new job.)

When I retire I will _____ .  (Don't wait, begin now on a smaller scale.  Make preparations currently so the plan will fall into place.)

I will be happy when I meet a significant other. (Learn to make yourself happy now so you will attract even more happiness into your life.)

Never will it happen that some one miraculously comes to your door delivering a life filled with all of your dreams.  We must be an active participant.  We must be the ones to open the door which requires us to take initial steps out of our comfort zone.  Do it.  You will be so glad you did!

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