Monday, December 1, 2014

December ... Not All Will Be Merry!

"Loving kindness for yourself does not mean making sure
you're feeling good all the time ~ trying to set up your life
so that you're comfortable every moment.  Rather, it means
setting up your life so that you have  time for meditation and 
self-reflection, for kindhearted, compassionate self-honesty."

Pema Chodron

The month of December is packed with busyness and entrenched with deep emotion.  If we can go full speed, we may not actually be aware of all the feelings we are repressing until depression hits.   If we hesitate for the briefest of moments, we may catch a glimpse of our personal needs, but ego will convince us this is a season for giving, not receiving. 

Ego is focused on the main stream of life ... outer appearances, activities, making appearances, and showing up for others. It will encourage us to forge ahead at all costs. There is an element of truth in the ego's intentions, but we need to be tuning in to our inner guidance.

If we can bring balance into this busy season, we will carve out time for nurturing our selves with honesty, respect, and acceptance.  There is nothing wrong with admitting, "I just can't do all of this anymore!"  It doesn't mean we are weak, getting old, or self-centered.  Being honest with our selves helps to avoid falling into deep emotional pockets.  When we respect our limitations, accept our  behavior or attitude with kindness, we strengthen our connection with a genuine quality of living.

When we give ourselves permission to have a 'time out', we will be enjoying life more authentically.  If we cannot attend one more meeting, catch up with someone who attended and get a mini-briefing.  Decline the party invitation and send the host flowers.  Instead of balancing gift lists, think of one thing per person that truly reflects her/his core spirit.  Touching the heart is a better gift than a meaningless expensive item.

To acknowledge true feelings, to respect limitations, and to embrace unhappiness, we will move through the holiday season with a different cadence towards life.  Not all will be merry, but our balanced core feelings will carry us through the season with a grateful heart.

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