Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Without Recognition or Expense

"In the garden of gentle sanity
May you be bombarded by coconuts 
of wakefulness."

Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche

There is a temptation to withdraw during the holiday season.  Too much traffic, food, and crowds, all altering moods.  Not enough money or too much money become primary issues   The conflict of being authentically human tends to escalate during this time of year.

It does not matter what religion a person is or what God is being worshipped.  The bottom line is our  personal connectedness to the Divine and how we react accordingly.  Instead of being consumed by long lists of gifts,  a present can be given to a member of the human race.  Each day loving kindness can fall from our lips or be given in assistance to those unknown.  We touch the lives of others without recognition and without monetary expense or gain.

In the days ahead, let us try to remember to be angels present upon this earth.  Extend a needed hand, whisper good will, and send loving thoughts to those walking across our paths.  It will cost us nothing, but it will build our sense of connection to each other.  Maybe the season will once again be filled with nothing but love!

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