Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Without Hesitation

"A Warrior of Light knows his own faults.
But he also knows his qualities."

Paulo Coelho

Human beings tend to observe the strengths of others, but dwell on personal deficiencies.  We may not have the talent of someone else and it is a waste of energy to mourn over lack.  If we gather our energy, and apply it to personal enhancement, we will flourish in a different direction. 

In viewing the animal kingdom, we can observe some smaller animals who are not afraid of larger animals as they have learned to use personal skill. We have far less to fear when we are aware of our own abilities. When we establish what we need to function in a healthy and authentic way, we can use our creativity to implement these qualities into our life style.  

What do we rely on ... faith, hope and love;  a good night's sleep and healthy diet; sticking to a budget  or being sparked by sudden vision?  What works for one very well may not work for another.  When we have what we need in place, we no longer hesitate to move forward.

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