Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Creating Mini Celebrations

"A little of what you fancy
does you good.
Marie Lloyd
WALKING IN THIS WORLD, The Practical Art of Creativity, by Julia Cameron, mentions listing activities that tend to make us feel more grounded.  Her list includes things like making soup, waxing a car, baking a pie, paying bills, or changing sheets.  She refers to these activities as confirming rituals.  
When we choose one of these confirming rituals, the activity places a grounded celebration  into our daily life.  As we accumulate these celebrations, they filter in between our work or errands and help our days to be less routine.
Julia Cameron suggests these small actions strewn throughout our day, will help us focus better and bring more comfort into our daily lives.  These small gestures apparently allows us to feel a better connection to our life, and relationships. 
We could all use little snippets of celebration within our days creating appreciation and joy.  No matter where we happen to be, there is some small act with the potential for bringing more life to an ordinary day.  Step out of the box, look around, and break routine.   
The picture that comes to my mind is the small child bringing an adult a dandelion.  This small act brings joy to any recipient.  And the small child is so tickled!  We can do the same.  Bring supplies to your co-worker anticipating both of your needs.  Offer the window seat on the bus to an elder or small child.  Pick up a piece of litter in the park.  All of these things will bring mini-celebrations into life developing a sense of connection.  Repeated use creates wonderful habits! 


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