Saturday, July 5, 2014

To Hurt No One

"Not that I want to be a god or a hero.
Just to change into a tree,
grow for ages,
not hurt anyone."
Czeslaw Milosz

While paging through old journals, I came across a full length poem I wrote in the mid-seventies.  This is amazing as I almost never write poetry as it is not my strength.  This poem, however, was about being a tree.  It reflected standing tall, bending to breezes, and reaching for the stars. I felt energized by the budding of my branches in the spring.   I seemed to enjoy the idea of changing the colors of my leaves, although a sadness when they let go and floated the the earth.  The winter season did not seem to discourage me, as there was so much to see ... bunnies and squirrels scampering across the snow; deer rubbing against my bark; and birds flitting from tree to tree. The ritual of watching the light of the  moon dance through the trees as it crossed the sky heralded by shinning stars.  A magic show indeed.

THE GIVING TREE by Shel Silverstein highlights the importance of a tree in ways we are not daily aware, and yet, should be.  Yes, I would easily change into a tree for the mere pleasure of always giving something to others, whether it is shade, fruit, nuts or leaves.  Swaying with the wind and enduring storms would require patience. Nests in my branches would divert my attention from the heat of summer.  I believe I would enjoy growing for years reaching in an upward direction being one with all of nature. It would be ecstatically wonderful to hurt no one.

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