Thursday, July 3, 2014

Distraction or Addiction?

"The word addiction is too huge an has too much stigma and weight and severity around it."
Panache Desai
In Panache Desai's book, DISCOVERING YOUR SOUL SIGNATURE,  his list of addictions include sugar, caffeine, exercise, social media, Internet shopping, phone, email,  etc...   The point he makes is that anything we do that assists us in avoiding our feelings/emotions, is a distraction.  We use these distractions/addictions to not be present in our present moment or current life situation.
If we are truly present in the moment, we are allowing our selves to feel underlying energy.  When feelings whether happy or sad radiate through us, we are not always able to withstand them.  Instead, when we no longer want to experience a particular high or low, we distract ourselves with our avoidance of choice.
We can easily recall a sadness we just couldn't embrace and so we did something stupid, a negative behavior or distraction.  What about when something good happens?  I bet our distraction from too much happiness is very subtle and goes unrecorded. 
I am here to share that I sometimes have a lower tolerance for joy than I do pain.   When I observe my reaction it is ridiculous, but automatic pilot takes over within an instant.  I recently shed some weight with much diligence and discipline.  When I realized my success, I was so elated, I fixed my self some ice cream.  Ice cream is a childhood reward no matter how contrary to the larger picture.
The suggestion Panache Desai makes is simple: 
1.  Make a list of things you use as distractions.
2.  Be aware when you begin this action.
3.  Tune in to see what feeling you are avoiding.
Three easy steps and they will create volumes of information regarding our personal choices of not embracing life fully. 

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